Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluating Truth and Validity Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluating Truth and Validity Exercise - Essay Example They even went to the extent of providing high scholars and college student’s credit cards. This trend has less to careless spending from this age group (Jain, 2009). Teenager and adolescents are usually irrational in their decisions. Coupled by peer pressure and the feeling of wanting to fit in, some of these young people end up spending without knowledge of how they are going to pay. It has become something which many should are worried since giving money to spend to such children that is unlimited is like giving them a bomb. According to Jain (2009), people under the age of 21 should not be given any credit cards for their impulsive nature of careless spending (Jain, 2009). Even if one can sit with them, they always act defiant to their elders, hence would be a waste of time teaching them on wise spending whereas they are in a stage of discovering the world. How else can one discover the world when he or she is left with credit card? According to psychologist, money is not something which people under the age of 21 should not be given at their will since they do not have enough responsibility to know the value and repercussions of overspending since they would not be paying for them (Jain, 2009). According to Farrow (2010), power is believed to be the root of all evil, as it makes them corrupt. Power is defined as being in a position to control others. According to the Bible, power is a God given thing given to man to be in control over his creations (Farrow, 2010). Other people do believe that power is the root cause of evil, is it really true? One may wonder from the statement and provide examples of quite a number of people who have been in power and not corrupt. It is always not a fact to link corruption to power. Corruption is a virtue with exists in specific people. Taking a few corrupt individuals and generalizing them as making power corrupt from my opinion is not true (Farrow, 2010). Can we say that since the Pope is in power,

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