Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Research Proposal on Wive’s Income and Marital Quality

1. Increases in wives† income over time will contribute to increases in marital discord. (Expect strong effect on husbands† report of marital discord.) 2. Increase in wives† income over time will contribute to decreases in marital discord. (Expect husbands and wives to be about the same.) 3. Increases in perceived marital discord over time will contribute to increases in wives income. (Expect marital discord on wives† income stronger for wives than husbands.) Used data from Marital Instability Over the Life Course Study (1991). This was a 4-wave panel study that began in 1980 with random telephone interviews of 2,034 married individuals (not couples), younger than 55 using the clustered random-digit dialing procedure. Of the people called, 65 % completed the survey, 18% refused, and 17% were unreachable after 10 or more callbacks. Respondents were similar to national population of married individuals on age, race, region, household size, presence of children, and home ownership. Attempts to reinterview the same respondents took place in 1983, 1988, and 1992. Successful reinterviews were 78%, 66%, and 58% respectively. A decision was made to use date from 1980-1988 as these years showed the most dramatic change in married women†s employment and earnings. Also, the results of the 1992 interview had slight underreporting of younger, renter, African-American or Hispanic, and those without a college education in 1980. Respondents consisted of a total of 455 women and 316 men who were in a stable marriage from 1980-1988; a first marriage for both spouses. The study was restricted to continuous first marriages because previous evidence suggested relationships between income and marital quality differs depending on marriage order. Remarried families have lower incomes, fewer assets on average. Remarried women are more likely to be employed 40 hours or more per week than continuously married women. Marital discord was measured in three areas: marital instability (12 item scale that taps propensity to divorce), relationship problems (14 problems like easily angered, jealous, moody, not home enough), and marital conflict (assessed the amount and severity of conflict between spouses). Structural equation modeling was used. This allowed the investigation of the directional relationship and testing of the relative strength of each. Study took into account husbands† unemployment and the birth of a child. The model used to test 4 demographic characteristics: children, race, age, yrs of education. They didn†t affect the model substantially or alter conclusions. The average respondent had 14 years of education, was 35 years old, 92% were white, 41% were male. Data does not support either hypothesis 1 or 2. Data does support #3. Wives increased their income over a period of 8 years due to their own perceptions of increased marital discord. Husbands† perception of marital discord didn†t have an effect on wives† income. In 1980 54% wives employed, 96% of husbands. Income of wife is $7277 vs. $40559 for a family. In 1988 69% wives employed, and 94% of husbands. Income for a wife, $9495; and for a family, $42,420. ($ figure is adjusted to reflect 1988 constant dollars.) By 1988, 20% more wives entered the workforce and 10% dropped out. 24% of the husbands experienced some unemployment and 24% had experienced a birth of a child. Earnings gender gap went from 60% to 71%. By the end, women were contributing 30-40% toward the family income. Increases in wives† income do not significantly affect either spouse†s perception of marital discord. Instead increases in marital discord contribute significantly to increases in wives† income by increasing the likelihood that non-employed wives will enter the workforce. It isn†t clear if wives enter the labor force to prepare for divorce or to improve their own lives and perhaps their marriages by seeking additional personal challenges. More women responded than men. Also, if couples would have been interviewed so a clearer picture between spouses response could have been analyzed (couple-level data). Also gender role attitudes of spouses were not included. The role of social class was not taken into consideration. Another item is that the study began 19 years ago, concluding 11 years ago. This country has experienced a bull market and a low unemployment rate.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Goods and Services Tax

K SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Goods & Services Tax Report submitted to Dr. Dhirendra Deshpande in partial fulfillment for the degree of Masters in Business Administration Symbiosis International University, Pune Abstract: This report is an attempt to understand the impact of GST on Indian economy. The report defines Sales Tax and Value-Added Tax (VAT). It then looks at the Goods and Services Tax (GST) design in India which has been adapted to suit the Indian taxation system.The report ends with the probable impact of GST on Indian economy and the limitations of the implementation of GST. ? Contents Introduction3 Sales Tax3 Types of sales tax3 Sales tax in India4 Value- Added Tax (VAT)6 Importance of VAT in India6 Advantages Of VAT6 Disadvantages of VAT7 Items covered under VAT7 Tax implication under Value Added Tax Act8 VAT vs. Sales Tax8 Goods and Services Tax (GST)10 Introduction10 The Need for GST10 Benefits of GST11 How GST Will Work12 GST vs. VAT14 GST vs. SALES TA X15 Limitation of GST16 IntroductionThis report is an attempt to understand the impact of GST on Indian economy. The report starts by defining Sales Tax and Value-Added Tax (VAT). It then looks at the Goods and Services Tax (GST) design in India which has been adapted to suit the Indian taxation system. The report ends with the probable impact of GST on Indian economy. Sales Tax A sales tax is a tax paid to a governing body by a seller for the sales of certain goods and services. Laws allow the seller to collect funds for the tax from the consumer at the point of purchase.Laws may allow sellers to itemiz (state item by item) the tax separately from the price of the goods or services, or require it to be included in the price (tax-inclusive). The tax amount is usually calculated by applying a percentage rate to the taxable price of a sale. When a tax on goods or services is paid to a governing body directly by a consumer, it is usually called a use tax. Often laws provide for the exe mption of certain goods or services from sales and use tax. Types of sales tax Gross receipts taxes: This tax has been criticized for its â€Å"cascading† or â€Å"pyramiding† effect, in which an item is taxed more than once as it makes its way from production to final retail sale. †¢Excise taxes: Applied to a narrow range of products, such as gasoline or alcohol, usually imposed on the producer or wholesaler rather than the retail seller. †¢Use tax: Imposed directly on the consumer of goods purchased without sales tax, generally items purchased from a vendor who is not under the jurisdiction of the taxing authority (e. g. , a vendor in another state).Use taxes are commonly imposed by states with a sales tax, but are usually only enforced for large items such as automobiles and boats. †¢Securities turnover excise tax on the trade of securities. †¢Value added taxes: In which tax is charged on all sales, thus avoiding the need for a system of resale c ertificates. Tax cascading is avoided by applying the tax only to the difference (â€Å"value added†) between the price paid by the first purchaser and the price paid by each subsequent purchaser of the same item. †¢Fair Tax: A proposed federal sales tax, intended to replace the U. S. ederal income tax. †¢Turnover tax: Similar to a sales tax, but applied to intermediate and possibly capital goods as an indirect tax. Sales tax in India Central Sales tax is generally payable on the sale of all goods by a dealer in the course of inter-state Trade or commerce or, outside a State or, in the course of import into or, export from India. According to S3, a sale or purchase shall be deemed to take place in the course of interstate trade or commerce in the following cases: 1. When the sale or purchase occasions the movement of goods from one State to another; 2.When the sale is affected by a transfer of documents of title to the goods during their movement from one State to a nother. Where the goods are delivered to a carrier or other bailee for transmission, the movement of the goods for the purpose of clause (b) above, is deemed to start at the time of such delivery and terminate at the time when delivery is taken from such carrier or bailee. Also, when the movement of goods starts and terminates in the same State, it shall not be deemed to be a movement of goods from one State to another.To make a sale as one in the course of interstate trade, there must be an obligation to transport the goods outside the state. The obligation may be of the seller or the buyer. It may arise by reason of statute or contract between the parties or from mutual understanding or agreement between them or, even from the nature of the transaction, which linked the sale to such transaction. There must be a contract between the seller and the buyer. According to the terms of the contract, the goods must be moved from one state to another.If there is no contract, then there is no inter-state sale. There can be an interstate sale even if the buyer and the seller belong to the same state; even if the goods move from one state to another as a result of a contract of sale; or, the goods are sold while they are in transit by transfer of documents. Sales tax is payable to the sales tax authority in the state from which the movement of goods commences. It is to be paid by every dealer on the sale of any goods effected by him in the course of inter-state trade or ommerce, notwithstanding that no liability to tax on the sale of goods arises under the tax laws of the appropriate state. No state can levy sales tax on any sale or purchase where such sale or purchase takes place †¢outside the state and †¢in the course of import of goods into or export of goods outside India. Only the parliament can levy tax on inter-state sale or purchase of goods Not all despatches of goods from one state to another result in inter state sales rather the movement must be on account of a covenant or incident of the contract of sales.There are some instances wherein the goods are moved out of the selling state and yet they are not considered inter state sales :- 1. Intra-state sales 2. Stock transfer from head office to branch & vice versa 3. Import and Export sales or purchases 4. Sale through commission agent / on account sales 5. Delivery of Goods for executing works contract Exceptions in the sales tax include: 1. Sales to resellers such as wholesalers and retailers that have a valid state resale certificate. 2.Sales to tax-exempt institutions such as schools or charities Value- Added Tax (VAT) VAT is a multi point levy where the tax paid on local purchases from the registered dealer can be set off against the tax payable on the sale of goods, other than special goods. Example: Consider the manufacture and sale of any item, which in this case we will call a widget. In what follows, the term â€Å"gross margin† is used rather than â€Å"profi t†. Profit is only what is left after paying other costs, such as rent and personnel. Importance of VAT in IndiaIndia, particularly being a trading community, has always believed in accepting and adopting loopholes in any system administered by State or Centre. If a well-administered system comes in, it only closes options for traders and businessmen to evade paying their taxes, but also makes sure that they are compelled to keep proper records of sales and purchases. Under the VAT system, no exemptions are given and a tax is levied at every stage of manufacture of a product. At every stage of value-addition, the tax that is levied on the inputs can be claimed back from tax authorities.At a macro level, two issues make the introduction of VAT critical for India. 1. Industry watchers believe that the VAT system, if enforced properly, will form part of the fiscal consolidation strategy for the country. It could, in fact, help address issues like fiscal deficit problem. Also the revenues estimated to be collected can actually mean lowering of fiscal deficit burden for the government. International Monetary Fund (IMF), in the semi-annual World Economic Outlook expressed its concern for India's large fiscal deficit – at 6 per cent of GDP. 2.Moreover any globally accepted tax administrative system would only help India integrate better in the World Trade Organization regime Advantages Of VAT 1. Simplification – Under the CST Act, there are 8 types of tax rates- 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 20% and 25%. However, under the present VAT system, there are only 2 types of taxes 4% on declared goods and 10-12% on RNR. This will eliminate any disputes that relate to rates of tax and classification of goods as this is the most usual cause of litigation. It also helps to determine the relevant stage of the tax.This is necessary as the CST Act stipulates that the tax levies at the first stage or the last stage differ. Consequently, the question of which stage of tax it falls under becomes another reason for litigation. Under the VAT system, tax is levied at each stage of the goods of sale or purchase. 2. Transparency – The tax that is levied at the first stage on the goods or sale or purchase is not transparent. This is because the amount of tax, which the goods have suffered, is not known at the subsequent stage. In the VAT system, the amount of tax is known at each and every stage of goods of sale or purchase. . Fair and Equitable – VAT introduces the uniform tax rates across the state so that unfair advantages cannot be taken while levying the tax. 4. Procedure of simplification – Procedures, relating to filing of returns, payment of tax, furnishing declaration and assessment are simplified under the VAT system so as to minimize any interface between the tax payer and the tax collector. 5. Minimize the Discretion – The VAT system proposes to minimize the discretion with the assessing officer so that every p erson is treated alike.For example, there would be no discretion involved in the imposition of penalty, late filing of returns, non-filing of returns, late payment of tax or non-payment of tax or in case of tax evasion. Such system would be free from all these harassment 6. Computerization – The VAT proposes computerization which would focus on the tax evaders by generating Exception Report. In a large number of cases, no processing or scrutiny of returns would be required as it would free the tax compliant dealers from all the harassment which is so much a part of assessment.The management information system, which would form a part of integral computerization, would make the tax department more efficient and responsive. Disadvantages of VAT 1. VAT is regressive 2. VAT is difficult to operate from position of both administration and business 3. VAT is inflationary 4. VAT favors capital intensive firms Items covered under VAT 1. All business transactions that are carried on w ithin a State by individuals/partnerships/ companies etc. are covered under VAT. 2. More than 550 items are covered under the new Indian VAT regime out of which 46 natural ; unprocessed local products will be exempt from VAT 3.Nearly 270 items including drugs and medicines, all industrial and agricultural inputs, capital goods as well as declared goods attract 4 % VAT in India. 4. The remaining items attract 12. 5 % VAT. Precious metals such as gold and bullion will be taxed at 1%. 5. Petrol and diesel are kept out of the VAT regime in India. Tax implication under Value Added Tax Act SellerBuyerSelling Price (Excluding Tax)Tax RateInvoice value (InclTax)Tax PayableTax CreditNet TaxOutflow AB1004% CST104404. 00 BC11412. 5% VAT128. 2514. 250*14. 25 CD12412. 5% VAT139. 5015. 5014. 251. 25 DConsumer13412. % VAT150. 7516. 7515. 501. 25 Total to Govt. VAT CST16. 75 4. 00 VAT vs. Sales Tax †¢VAT is a form of indirect tax which is imposed on products or services at different stages of manufacturing, where as Sales Tax is levied at the time of the purchase of the products or services. †¢VAT is levied on both the producer and consumer while a sales tax is levied on only the end consumer. †¢VAT involves tricky accounting while sales tax involves simpler accounting. †¢VAT is applied at the various stages of production while sales tax is applied on the total value of the purchase. VAT efficiently avoids evasion of taxes while a sales tax is unable to deal with this. †¢In VAT the method adopted is Input Tax Credit while Sales tax, liability of a dealer for a particular period is determined using the multiplication method. Goods and Services Tax (GST) Introduction Goods and Service Tax is a tax on goods and services, which is leviable at each point of sale or provision of service, in which at the time of sale of goods or providing the services the seller or service provider can claim the input credit of tax which he has paid while purchasing the good s or procuring the service. GST is the rate of tax remains the same but as per the necessity of the nation some goods or services can be declared as â€Å"exempted† or â€Å"Zero rated†. †¢A system Exports are zero rated and all the taxes paid while purchasing and manufacturing the goods including the taxes paid on raw material and services are returned to the exporter to make the exports competitive. †¢The sellers or service providers collect the tax from their customer, who may or may not be the ultimate customer, and before depositing the same to the exchequer, they deduct the tax they have already paid.The Need for GST †¢Avoid cascading effect of taxation: A main reason of the introduction of GST is to avoid cascading effect of taxes in India. For example manufacturing of a product attract CENVAT (Central Value Added Tax) is a component of the tax structure employed by many countries in the western section of Europe. CENVAT is derived from a tax syst em that is generally referred to as VAT. The manufacturer pays CENVAT on goods produced. According VAT rules, the sales tax is payable on the aggregate selling price which include CENVAT. Here there is no set off benefits available. Shortfall of Existing VAT: Indirect taxes like luxury tax, entertainment tax, are yet to be included in the VAT. These taxes are still existing and payable. †¢Shortfall of Existing CENVAT: Several taxes like additional customs duty, surcharges not included under CENVAT. Input tax and service tax set off is out of reach to the manufacturer and dealers. Benefits of GST †¢GST provide comprehensive and wider coverage of input credit setoff, you can use service tax credit for the payment of tax on sales of goods. †¢CST will be removed and need not pay.At present there is no input tax credit available for CST. †¢Many indirect taxes in state and central level submit by GST, you need to pay single GST instead of all. †¢Uniformity of tax rates across the states. †¢Ensure better compliance due to aggregate tax rate reduces. †¢By reducing the tax burden the competitiveness of Indian products in international market is expected to increase and there by development of the nation. †¢Price of goods is expected to be reduced in the long run as the benefit of less tax burden would be passed on to the customer. Overall tax compliance cost will reduce for government and can concentrate on GST. How GST Will Work The dealers registered under GST (Manufacturers, Wholesalers and retailers and service providers) charge GST on the price of goods and services from their customers and claim credits for the GST included in the price of their own purchases of goods and services used by them. While GST is paid at each step in the supply chain of goods and services, the paying dealers don’t actually bear the burden of the tax because GST is an indirect tax and ultimate burden of the GST has to be taken by the last c ustomer.This is because they include GST in the price of the goods and services they sell and can claim credits for the most GST included in the price of goods and services they buy. The cost of GST is borne by the final consumer, who can’t claim GST credits, i. e. input credit of the tax paid. How GST Will Work The dealers registered under GST (Manufacturers, Wholesalers and retailers and service providers) charge GST on the price of goods and services from their customers and claim credits for the GST included in the price of their own purchases of goods and services used by them.While GST is paid at each step in the supply chain of goods and services, the paying dealers don’t actually bear the burden of the tax because GST is an indirect tax and ultimate burden of the GST has to be taken by the last customer. This is because they include GST in the price of the goods and services they sell and can claim credits for the most GST included in the price of goods and ser vices they buy. The cost of GST is borne by the final consumer, who can’t claim GST credits, i. e. input credit of the tax paid. WorkingThe illustration shown below indicates, in terms of a hypothetical example with a manufacturer, one wholesaler and one retailer, how GST will work. Let us suppose that GST rate is 10%, with the manufacturer making value addition of Rs. 30 on his purchases worth Rs. 100 of input of goods and services used in the manufacturing process. The manufacturer will then pay net GST of Rs. 3 after setting-off Rs. 10 as GST paid on his inputs (i. e. Input Tax Credit) from gross GST of Rs. 13. The manufacturer sells the goods to the wholesaler. When the wholesaler sells the same goods after making value addition of (say), Rs. 0, he pays net GST of only Rs. 2, after setting-off of Input Tax Credit of Rs. 13 from the gross GST of Rs. 15 to the manufacturer. Similarly, when a retailer sells the same goods after a value addition of (say) Rs. 10, he pays net G ST of only Re. 1, after setting-off Rs. 15 from his gross GST of Rs. 16 paid to wholesaler. Thus, the manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer have to pay only Rs. 6 (= Rs. 3+Rs. 2+Re. 1) as GST on the value addition along the entire value chain from the producer to the retailer, after setting-off GST paid at the earlier stages.The overall burden of GST on the goods is thus much less. This is shown in the table below. The same illustration will hold in the case of final service provider as well. Stage of supply chain Purchase value of Input Value addition Value at which supply of goods and services made to next stage Rate of GST GST on output Input Tax credit Net GST= GST on output + Input tax credit Manufacturer 100 30 130 10% 13 10 13-10 = 3 Wholesaler 130 20 150 10% 15 13 15-13 = 2 Retailer 150 10 160 10% 16 15 16-15 = 1 The GST can be divided into following sections to understand it better: 1.Charging Tax: The dealers registered under GST (Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers a nd Service Providers) are required to charge GST at the specified rate of tax on goods and services that they supply to customers. The GST payable is included in the price paid by the recipient of the goods and services. The supplier must deposit this amount of GST with the Government. 2. Getting Credit of GST: If the recipient of goods or services is a registered dealer (Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers and Service Providers), he will normally be able to claim a credit for the amount of GST he has paid, provided he holds a proper tax invoice.This â€Å"input tax credit† is set off against any GST (Out Put), which the dealer charges on goods and services, which he supplies, to his customers. 3. Ultimate Burden of Tax on Last Customer: The net effect is that dealers charge GST but do not keep it, and pay GST but get a credit for it. This means that they act essentially as collecting agents for the Government. The ultimate burden of the tax falls on the last and final c onsumer of the goods and services, as this person gets no credit for the GST paid by him to his sellers or service providers. 4. Registration: Dealers will have to register for GST.These dealers will include the Suppliers, Manufacturers, Service Providers, Wholesalers and Retailers. If a dealer is not Registered, he normally cannot charge GST and cannot claim credit for the GST he pays and further cannot issue a tax invoice. 5. Tax Period: The tax period will have to be decided by the respective law and normally it is monthly and (or) quarterly. On a particular tax period, this is applicable to the dealer concerned; the dealer has to deposit the tax if his output credit is more. Than the input credit after considering the opening balance, if any, of the input credit. . Refunds: If for a tax period the input credit of a dealer is more than the output credit then he is eligible for refund subject to the provisions of law applicable in this respect. The excess may be carried forward to next period or may be refunded immediately depending upon the provision of law. 7. Exempted Goods and Services: Certain goods and services may be declared as exempted goods and services and in that case the input credit cannot be claimed on the GST paid for purchasing the raw material in this respect or GST paid on services used for providing such goods and services. 8.Zero Rated Goods and Services: Generally, export of goods and services are zero-rated and in that case the GST paid by the exporters of these goods and services is refunded. This is the basic difference between Zero rated goods and services and exempted goods and services. 9. Tax Invoice: Tax invoice is the basic and important document in the GST and a dealer registered under GST can issue a tax invoice and on the basis of this invoice the credit (Input) can be claimed. Normally a tax invoice must bear the name of supplying dealer, his tax identification nos. , address and tax invoice nos. oupled with the name and ad dress of the purchasing dealer, his tax identification nos. , address and description of goods sold or service provided. Impact of GST on Economy – International Experiences: Most countries have adopted VAT system and GST is considered similar to a VAT system. It is possible that some economies that have adopted VAT system are actually a GST as well. So we really do not know the broad experiences of most economies and stick to countries which call their tax systems as GST based. GST system has been adopted in a few economies – Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.Hong Kong proposed to introduce it but had to abandon it amidst stiff opposition. Over a long term there are improvements across the macroeconomic variables but there were short-term glitches. Inflation did seem to rise in the years of introduction but was mainly blamed on the administration for the same. The impact on revenue and current account has been very impressive with sharp gains seen in all th e three economies. In Australia there was a more dramatic impact of GST on the economy. Before GST’s implementation, consumers rushed to purchase goods that they perceived would be substantially more expensive post-GST.After the tax, consumer consumption and economic growth declined sharply initially. In Q1 2000, Australian economy recorded negative economic growth for the first time in more than 10 years. Consumption and growth soon returned to normal. There was some negative impact on price of real estate as well but the market rose and property prices and demand increased sharply in 2002-04. GST increased the real output of the Canadian economy by 1. 4% of GDP, principally through an increase in the productivity of capital and total factor productivity. The sectors like transportation, utilities, services and agriculture experienced significant gains.Following are the impacts of GST on Australia, New Zealand and Canada : AUSTRALIANEW ZEALANDCANADA Price ChangesShort run on e off effectShort run spike in prices, no longer run increaseShort run spike in prices, no longer run increase, price regulatory body Criticize Economic GrowthIntroduced during sustained economic growth periodIntroduced at the end of recession, subsequent upswingIntroduced in midst of major recession, criticized as Compounding problems Revenue GrowthRevenue exceeded expectationsRevenue exceeded ExpectationsRevenue exceeded Expectations Current AccountSlight improvement ince introductionRapid immediate improvement, longer term stabilizationDramatic Improvement since introduction of GST, NAFTA GST vs. VAT†¢ Limitations in Centre VAT system: There is CENVAT but several taxes are still out of the ambit like surcharges, additional customs duties etc. In some goods we get input tax and not in others, making the tax filing system complex and cumbersome. †¢Limitations in State VAT system: The States also have VAT but again story is the same. Many taxes like luxury taxes, entertain ment tax etc, are not included. There is no input tax credit in case of CENVAT paid on certain items. Interstate Sales Tax (CST): Though it is an important source of revenue for states it is seen as very burdensome by businesses. The companies make goods in one state but on distribution inside the country, end up paying taxes in each state. They are supplying goods within the country and should just be taxed at one place.†¢ Inclusion of Services in VAT system: Production of goods is because of both physical production and services. But Services are taxed only by Centre and that too is done selectively. The Services need to be taxed at State level and integrated with the Goods VAT system as shown in the example above. International Standard: GST is becoming an international standard and it is important India also has one. There are many factors before international companies while choosing a country for its business and taxation system is one very important factor. With other co untries having GST and India not having one, the companies are likely to opt for former ahead of India for locating their businesses. Likewise Indian companies may also prefer to increasingly set their bases in other countries where tax system is more efficient. GST vs. Sales Tax †¢Single versus multiple stageUnlike the existing sales tax, GST is generally charged on the consumption of goods and services at every stage of the supply chain, with the tax burden ultimately borne by the end consumer. This multiple tax levels feature of GST is the fundamental change from the present single-stage sales tax levied at only one stage of the supply chain. †¢Goods and services subject to tax GST operates on a negative concept – all goods and services are subject to GST unless specifically exempted. For sales tax, the same concept applies where all goods are taxable unless specifically exempted.It is anticipated that the number of exemptions under the present sales tax regime w ould be significantly reduced. †¢Tax payment and accounting periods Time of supply is an important feature under the GST regime (method or system of government) as it determines when one should account for GST in the GST returns. The approach used by many countries when adopting GST is that a supply is considered to have taken place at the earliest by three events that the time is invoice issue, the time any payment is received by the supplier and the time a taxable supply is made.The GST rules differ from the existing sales tax structure where sales tax becomes due and payable when there is a sale or disposal otherwise than by sale. †¢Group registration Group registration is included as a facility that allows companies to file consolidated GST returns. The objective is to reduce their GST administration costs where supplies made within a group would be disregarded for GST purposes. The facility could potentially result in better cash flow management for the group if goods and services are regularly supplied between group companies.The existing sales tax and service tax structures do not allow consolidated tax filings. Limitation of GST There are two main limitations of GST †¢Inflation: Most of the international case studies show an inflation spurt in initial months of GST implementation. In Australia’s case we saw spurt in prices of goods which Australian consumers Thought would become expensive after the GST. Much of blame for inflation is accorded to the various regulatory bodies and uncertainty over the new tax regime.The inflation situation stabilizes as implementation gains pace and is understood by consumers and producers. In India’s case inflation could be critical as unlike developed countries profiled above, India has far more inefficiencies in supply chain in local markets. The Indian GST reform is far larger in scale compared to above economies. Indian economy is already plagued with persistent high inflation and this n ew reform could further test inflation further. †¢Tax Revenue Shortfall: RBI in the State Finances Report (2010-11) said the revenue implications of GST are likely to vary across states.The Centre and the States are still discussing various aspects of GST like taxation rates, revenue sharing model between Centre and States etc. As there is still uncertainty over the final blueprint of GST, it is difficult to estimate the impact of GST on state finances. Other issues are enhancing the administrative capacity of states and building IT (Information technology) infrastructure to capture the full benefits of GST. The report points that VAT led to improvement in tax revenue for most states.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study - 1

Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American - Case Study Example As the discussion highlights understanding the perception of people is essentially important. The role that perception of a customer plays in a business transaction is very much significant for the growth of the organization, as it is due to the perception of an individual which affects the outcomes of the conclusion that an individual draws on a particular good, product or service. In the case study of Joe Salatino, the President of Great Northern American, it is evident that the understanding of the perception of the customers is essentially important for the employees working in Joe’s firm. As it is acknowledged before, the firm of Joe Salatino is a marketing firm that deals with selling and providing goods and services to more than 60,000 customers and offices in the United States of America. The firm is comprised of 30 sales team employees, who work efficiently towards achieving the major goals of the organization, Great Northern American. Due to the still completion in t he market from the competitors of the firm, it is important that the employees realize the needs and wants of the product and services that the firm delivers. Customer of the firm derives the perception about the product from the way an employee projects the product to them. When employees of the firm are able to effectively understand the way of thinking of the customer, then they stand a chance to control the customer’s perception and, accordingly, deviate from the process of conclusions made by the customers to benefit the growth process of the organization. It is important to procure different ways to understand the thinking of the customers. Active, attentive listening, which implies listening to the customer and also proving adequate response to their queries, effectively helps in understanding a person’s thinking and judging their perception.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Managing People and the Impact on Organizational Performance Literature review

Managing People and the Impact on Organizational Performance - Literature review Example The further accomplishment of employees is executed by the performance management, which involves employees in contributing the organizations’ goals, improving their effectiveness and helping the employees themselves to realize their importance. The following paper will examine certain mechanisms, through which organizations manage to improve their performance; it will show the relation of performance management to HRM and its role in the contemporary context; will identify the component parts of performance management systems; will represent critique to the rationale for culture management. In order to measure and improve the organization productivity, businesses define and develop different programs that monitor the outcomes of each member of the organization to be aligned with the overall strategic goals. The results of such programs will ensure the companies levels set for finance, for example, the level of consumers’ satisfaction or the products quality levels. There are also different techniques that enable businesses to manage and improve the organizational performance. Thus, the effective time management will improve the productivity of workers and help the organization to reach its goals. Numerous training and development sessions are able to improve individual productivity and thus make a positive impact on organizational performance. To improve employees’ engagement and performance, companies can use such mechanisms as effective communication that enables to see clear goals and expectation of employees. Sharing information increases employeesâ₠¬â„¢ sense of ownership. Besides, active promotion of organizational values, ethical considerations and reputation make employees care for their organization, enhancing their effective contributions.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Aspects of Communication & Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Aspects of Communication & Culture - Essay Example 63). Other people such as Stahl (2011, p. 1) and Goldkuhl (2003), among others, have different theories. This essay is an analysis of a telephone conversation between Michael and Prinze, based on communication analysis’ theoretical concepts and features of communication. Michael and Prinze’s Profile and their Background This is a telephone conversation between two close friends; Michael in his early fifties and Prinze in his late forties. One of the participants (Prinze) was observed throughout the recording for body language and gestures. These two interlocutors have known each other for more than ten years and share similar back grounds and interests. Also both interlocutors were born and have spent most of their lives in East London although their cultural and ethnic backgrounds are very different; Prinze is an English speaking cockney born and raised in London with a Pakistani parentage, whilst Michael is a native English speaking cockney. Each conversant is calling from the comfort of their home and from different towns; Mohammed lives in Luton and Michael in East London. Michael is recovering after a shoulder operation, whilst Prinze has just got home after a walk in the park. Both the interlocutors had not spoken or seen each other for more than a couple of months, but there had been regular communication between them by text messaging (SMS). The purpose of the call from Prinze to Michael was to get an update on how Michael was doing and also to discover if he had received the forwarded mail Prinze had sent him earlier. A transcription of the conversation between the two is given in the Appendix. Analysis Based On Theories and Main Communication Features Theories There are different theories of communication and theoretical concepts used in communication analysis. Just as noted Different authors have different views about these theories. Stahl has described nine categories of communication theories as listed by Little John (1999); cyberneti cs, semiotics, conversational analysis, message reception, socio-cultural approach, message production, symbolic interaction, phenomenological hermeneutics and critical theory (2011, p. 1). Littlejohn and Foss have eight theories; all described in the introduction (2007, p. 63). Goldkuhl (2003), on the other hand, considers the theories in the Language Action Perspective. The author notes that there are two theoretical concepts of communication representation approaches that are within the named perspective. These are; that there are predefined patterns in which communication is always organized as found in conversational analysis, and that language use can be considered as action as found in speech act theory (Goldkuhl, 2003, p. 51). In this case, two of the theoretical concepts will be explained with reference to Prinze and Michael’s conversation. These are; conversational analysis and speech act theory. Conversational Analysis It is the systemic analysis of human talk-in-i nteractions (Hutchby & Wooffitt, 2008). Conversational analysis’ theoretical concept is based on the view that conversations have predesigned structures. According to Psathas, telephone conversations open with a caller, who in this case, knows whoever he/she is calling. This is then followed by a response from the recipient who may know the caller or not. If the recipient does not know the caller, the next response will be

Friday, July 26, 2019

A number of different background factors have been seen to affect Essay

A number of different background factors have been seen to affect successful performance in Higher Education (HE). Identify one - Essay Example Age of students is yet another factor which has been found to be highly correlated with students’ performance in undergrad programs (Barrow et al., 2009). In the context of institutions whose population is skewed towards mature adult students, there is a strong linkage between the percentage of mature students and their non-completion percentages (Barrow et al., 2009). The main reason for this the diversity of entry routes employed by these students when they enroll into an undergrad program (Barrow et al., 2009). Interestingly, mature strata of students are found to have achieved better grades than their non-mature counterparts. Similarly, the relationship of socio-economic class and ethnicity with entry route also presumes much importance in research literature (Barrow et al., 2009). This is attributed to lower standards of pre entry qualifications of ethnic minorities, particularly those from overseas. There is, however, a large section of this relationship that remains une xplained. Perhaps, one of the most significant factors affecting higher education is gender. Research demonstrates that a larger percentage of female undergraduate students successfully achieve ‘good’ degrees (either a first or a II: i) compared to their male counterparts (Barrow et al., 2009).

Evaluating Truth and Validity Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluating Truth and Validity Exercise - Essay Example They even went to the extent of providing high scholars and college student’s credit cards. This trend has less to careless spending from this age group (Jain, 2009). Teenager and adolescents are usually irrational in their decisions. Coupled by peer pressure and the feeling of wanting to fit in, some of these young people end up spending without knowledge of how they are going to pay. It has become something which many should are worried since giving money to spend to such children that is unlimited is like giving them a bomb. According to Jain (2009), people under the age of 21 should not be given any credit cards for their impulsive nature of careless spending (Jain, 2009). Even if one can sit with them, they always act defiant to their elders, hence would be a waste of time teaching them on wise spending whereas they are in a stage of discovering the world. How else can one discover the world when he or she is left with credit card? According to psychologist, money is not something which people under the age of 21 should not be given at their will since they do not have enough responsibility to know the value and repercussions of overspending since they would not be paying for them (Jain, 2009). According to Farrow (2010), power is believed to be the root of all evil, as it makes them corrupt. Power is defined as being in a position to control others. According to the Bible, power is a God given thing given to man to be in control over his creations (Farrow, 2010). Other people do believe that power is the root cause of evil, is it really true? One may wonder from the statement and provide examples of quite a number of people who have been in power and not corrupt. It is always not a fact to link corruption to power. Corruption is a virtue with exists in specific people. Taking a few corrupt individuals and generalizing them as making power corrupt from my opinion is not true (Farrow, 2010). Can we say that since the Pope is in power,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Does the internet degrades its users's cognitive quality Essay

Does the internet degrades its users's cognitive quality - Essay Example This paper is supposed to be a research opinion paper, so you are right to change this into a more argumentative one. Please strengthen this paper if possible by adding strong arguments, providing great coherence of logic flow, or including thought-provoking ideas. Does The Internet Degrade Its User’s Cognitive Quality? The internet is extremely prevalent these days; it has transformed human life from a normal life to a digital life. There are no life segments, in which the influence of internet is negligible. Business, education, communication, healthcare, culture and politics are some areas in which internet brought huge changes. The entire world is now divided into real world and virtual world. The activities going on the virtual world are almost equal in magnitude with the activities going on in the real world. In short, internet has made plenty of changes in the physical world. The influence of internet is not limited to the physical world alone; even mental activities un dergo rapid changes. One of affected mental activities is people’s cognitive skills; cognitive skills are brain-based skills that include set of abilities that are part of human actions. It involves logic, attention, memory, and perception. The efficiency and convenience that the internet provides is utilized by people in order to make their life much easier. Comparing internet research to hours of turning book pages to find relevant information and noting them down, the latter seems like a laborious and time-consuming task. After all, the internet provides relevant information from thousands of sources altogether in just a matter of seconds. But without being realized, it serves as a double-edged sword where it overindulges our brain and ruins our cognitive ability. The internet has made our lives much easier, but along with that it has degraded our cognitive quality. Being a student in this tech savvy generation, I am completely aware of the role the internet plays in our l ives. In fact today’s youth cannot even imagine getting through schools and colleges without the internet. The internet helps to complete academic tasks more easily because we have easy access to every piece of information one can ever imagine; it is all just a click away. The internet serves as huge library where one has access to information from all corners of the world. Even though lack of good editorial committees has flooded the internet with wrong information, the convenience of using the net to seek something, continues to be a preferred choice over browsing through books and journals. With the realization that using the internet to search for information is pretty convenient, people are becoming overly dependent on it, and slowly, their reasoning and problem solving skills are dropping. The internet provides readymade answers to all problems; therefore a student or researcher does not feel the need to think much about solving a problem. On the other hand, generations in the past were forced to think deeply to analyze different dimensions of a problem before identifying proper solution for that. The easiness in solving problem with the help of internet causes mental idleness. According to a study conducted by Karin Slegers, a Cognitive Psychologist, older adults who rely on the internet lose their cognitive functions much faster than their counterparts

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The history of fighter aircraft F-22 Raptor Research Paper

The history of fighter aircraft F-22 Raptor - Research Paper Example The fighter jet possesses significant attributes that make it better than any fighter jet developed thus far. With increased stealth, the F-22 becomes one of the best fighter jets that can evade detection by radar (Sweetman 44). In addition, the F-22 has the ability to maneuver and evade tracking by other fighter jets that may be on its pursuit. As a replacement of other fighter jets with limited superiority, the F-22 becomes the most reliable air to ground attack jet ever built. Most important, the F-22 has improved aerodynamics that makes pilots fly the fighter jet more easily than before. Today, the US army has deployed significant number of raptors to areas such as Japan where the army has stationed them ready for deployment. Whereas the F-22 has had some failures in navigation and communication, the F-22 raptor still remain an aircraft of choice in carrying out sorties and other activities such as aerial surveillance. The F-22 is a product of Lockheed Martin Corporation, which is well known for the production of aircraft. The demand for a better fighter jet like F-22 has been long overdue considering the shortcoming of other fighter jets such as F-15. With the demand of an advanced tactical fighter (ATF), the US army tasked the F-22 team to conduct a program that would later produce the F-22 as an engineering marvel that combines performance, speed and stealth into one robust fighter jet—F-22. The F-22 team started by developing two prototypes that they later developed to achieve a reliable fighting machine. In their program, the F-22 produced two YF-22 prototypes that they took through a series of testing (Sweetman 78). These prototypes relied on two other engine prototypes that were to be selected for use in the F-22 fighter jet. The testing of the fighter jet was done on Being and Lockheed installation where the features of the aircraft were refined to produce the F-22 that are in use t oday. During the development of the F-22, the Lockheed

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Computer Programming Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer Programming - Coursework Example The â€Å"implements† keyword is used by a concrete class to indicate that it implements the interface and that each method in the interface is declared with the signature specified in the interface declaration. Note that we use an interface class instead of an abstract class since there is no default implementation to inherit as would be in abstract classes. It is also noteworthy that an interface class must be declared in a file with the same name and a .java file-name extension. Should the user fail to select anything in the special features panel that is reinforced or sealable top, the default is, it is assumed that the container is not reinforced or can’t have a sealable top as appropriate. The user will only enter the exact dimensions of the desired container and that these dimensions will be within the range that the company can make. That is there is no way of checking whether the ordered dimensions can actually be

Monday, July 22, 2019

Long Key Pine Rocklands Habitat Essay Example for Free

Long Key Pine Rocklands Habitat Essay Visiting the Everglades National Park’s Long Pine Key Rockland Habitat, I felt like one of the billions of people on earth right now that are tired of their hustle and bustle lifestyles albeit addicted to them. Like those people, I have a daily schedule that leaves me little or no time to consider visits to beautiful places such as the Pine Key Rockland Habitat on a regular basis. We make plans to take vacations, and we watch television as though it is a necessity. But, the Long Pine Key Rockland Habitat reminds me that there is much more to real life than we imagine we have the time to dwell on. What if all of us talked about pine rocklands and other marvels of nature on a daily basis – leaving our toxic thoughts about people and situations behind? Life, I believe, would be far more pleasant if we only took the time to experience change within ourselves. Indeed, the Pine Key Rockland Habitat did not only inspire calmness in me but also encouraged me to discuss my thoughts on modification of mindsets with close friends. I believe that the fresh air of the Pine Key Rockland is mind altering especially if we have spent too long a while in a cluttered region of the world. People throng cities to raise their standards of living and compete to purchase new technologies not only to raise their standards of living further but also to show off. Yet, places that take us back to our roots as human beings continue to beckon us home. ‘There is much more to life,’ they inform us. ‘Instead of trying to be like everybody else, take your time to visit such places in order to reconnect with your roots and become original in your thinking. ’ I felt that the Long Pine Key Rockland Habitat was communicating with me thus. I wrote a poem along these lines because poetry allows me to express my most important thoughts in a few words. Use of many words reminds of noisiness and even noise pollution associated with our hustle and bustle lifestyles. Poetry, on the other hand, takes me back to the Pine Key Rockland Habitat with its aura of calm. My poem about Pine Rocklands is a sonnet, â€Å"A Picture of the Earth As Seen from Outer Space. † I chose the sonnet form because it is convenient to use. This style of poetry is traditionally used for songs of love. Because love was an essential feeling for me to feel toward the Pine Rocklands as they took me beyond the tense hustle and bustle lifestyle to soothe my nerves, the sonnet form was appropriate to use. The sonnet is about reconnecting with all that remains glorious on the earth at a time when humans develop complicated machinery to leave it. After careful studies, scientists conclude that they are still unable to find habitable places like earth beyond earth. Earth remains as home and life on it is not never-ending. Thus, the poem has the Long Pine Key Rocklands Habitat telling the individual with more on his hands than he can manage to take a break and return to his roots in his thinking. It is a given that the reader, as though traveling beyond earth on a complex piece of machinery, cannot give up on his hustle and bustle lifestyle completely to return to life in a forest. The Pine Rocklands understand this, which is why they advise the reader to approach it for greater knowledge than before instead of entirely disregarding it. Humans did not have to create the Pine Rocklands, so therefore gaining knowledge through the ecosystem is easier than developing machinery to leave the earth. Like a rocket in space, the Pine Rocklands are known to burn in order to maintain themselves. The main difference between the two is the following: space ships remind us of man’s ingenuity while pine rocklands remind us of God, the creator of marvels of nature. In a dog eat dog world, I believe it is necessary to remember God so as to be well-behaved and advise others to be so, too. Although my poem, â€Å"A Picture of the Earth As Seen from Outer Space† does not reflect on God, it clearly defines the differences between God-made technology, which is the Pine Rocklands, and man-made technology, that is, the space ship that human beings seem to have escaped on. The space ship is a metaphor for our hustle and bustle lifestyles. Because the Long Pine Key Rocklands burn in order to sustain themselves, the metaphor was useful. But the main facet of the Pine Rocklands discussed in this poem is their appearance as a wonder of nature untouched by the hustle and bustle lifestyle of modern people. The Pine Rocklands are not only worth visiting but also remembering through photographs and pictures we save in our memory banks. Moreover, they offer an overabundance of knowledge. This, too, is touched upon in the poem. After all, scientists may study biodiversity in the Pine Rocklands just as well as psychologists may conduct research on relaxation there and seekers of truth may ask for reasons behind things within themselves or from God. What is more, the Pine Rocklands of the Everglades National Park are not the only place on earth to define as â€Å"A Picture of the Earth As Seen from Outer Space† in the context of the poem. Fortunately, our earth has plenty of such marvelous places to visit and refresh our minds. Thus, this poem may be edited to include names of all pine rocklands on earth. The earth has a furnace within, that is, the molten magma in its core. For this reason, I believe it could apply to all marvels of nature on earth regardless of whether they are pine rocklands or other ecosystems. Only the names may change. The fact that countless people of the world need to connect to the environment at this point in time – especially because of the dangers their hustle and bustle lifestyles pose to the ecosystem – remains unchanged. A Picture of the Earth As Seen from Outer Space We have left it to go onward, Though earth remains home, beckoning Us: Defying gravity, bird In the sky, o space ship, coming Home would be far more interesting! I am the Pine Rocklands, I too Burn to stay alive, as giving Of knowledge – I am homelike too! Get down, come back, do not attempt More than you can handle, return To refresh your eyes, I have bent Down before you. Simply return Home. Live with me, watch me from a distance; There is no place like home, with your presence.

African American Theatre 2 Essay Example for Free

African American Theatre 2 Essay African American Theater started out, hundreds of years ago, as a foundation of amusement for the black community. The theater was a place where African Americans, equally men and women, could work, study, and perfect their expertise. The beginning of African American theater set in motion back in the 1830’s, and it eventually became one of America’s most prevalent sources of entertainment Over the course of over one and a half decades, there has been an apparent transformation within the dominion of African American theater. For example, African Americans have prevailed over the intense burden of subjugation in forms such as political affairs, comfortable residency and most significantly, equal human rights. One of the most apparent leisure pursuits that were in remission from African-Americans came in the appearance of the performing arts, more particularly film. During this time, the society in general would not permit, for example, blacks to drink from the same water fountain, so to share the same onstage experiences or television effects was, without a doubt, not even simply prohibited but unheard of. However, as time went by, the potency of the hopeful African American actors and actresses weighed down the greater part of the general society, and society ceased being able to keep African Americans from appearing on stage and on television. For the longest time, the stage became and stayed the only way for African Americans to communicate the deep sorrow and oppression that the society, particularly the white population, had placed in front of them. Through acting, in addition to both singing and dancing, African Americans were able to, mentally and spiritually, go to a place that no tormenter could find them. With this new form of communication, African Americans found a new method of endurance, and acting was the fundamental technique. Even though the African American actors and actresses were forced to take the road of continued existence in the theater to gain self contentment, it was, as an understatement, not unproblematic. For the longest moments in time, African American actors and actresses were not permitted to step foot on stage. However, black actors were instead ridiculed by Caucasian actors in what they called black face. Black face was a performance where white actors and actresses would literally conceal their faces with black paint and makeup, so as to imitate an African American actor. From this falsification of the hopeful actors, derogatory names such as Tom, Mulatto, Mammy, Coon, and Buck resulted. Similar to Black Face, there was what is called Minstrel Shows. Minstrel shows, which consisted of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, ridiculed and made fun of African Americans in the most disapproving ways. According to these shows, black people were looked upon as ignorant, lazy, and unreasonable, but also cheerful and melodious. Broadway, which is the heart of theater for Americans, had been closed to blacks for more than a decade. However, this was only until the African American musical â€Å"Shuffle Along† turned out to be a runaway success, which some historians believe was the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance. The first African American play to be produced on Broadway was The Chip Womans Fortune in 1923, written by Willis Richardson. In the year of 1959, Lorraine Hansberry, a famous playwright, became the first African American woman to have her play produced and performed on Broadway. Hansberry’s play, titled A Raisin in the Sun, became an outlet for a continual assembly of plays by African American playwrights who often brought their own individual occurrences in the great effort in opposition to racial discrimination to the theater plays that they produced. . By the revolving of this period, the minstrel show enjoyed but a shadow of its former popularity, having been replaced for the most part by vaudeville. It survived as professional entertainment until about 1910; amateur performances continued until the 1960s in high schools, fraternities, and local theaters. As blacks began to score legal and social victories against racism and to successfully assert political power, minstrelsy lost popularity. The typical minstrel performance followed a three-act structure. The troupe first danced onto stage then exchanged wisecracks and sang songs. The second part featured a variety of entertainments, including the pun-filled stump speech. The final act consisted of a slapstick musical plantation skit or a send-up of a popular play. Minstrel songs and sketches featured several stock characters, most popularly the slave and the dandy. These were further divided into sub-archetypes such as the mammy, her counterpart the old darky, the provocative mulatto wench, and the black soldier. Minstrels claimed that their songs and dances were authentically black, although the extent of the black influence remains debated. Spirituals (known as jubilees) entered the repertoire in the 1870s, marking the first undeniably black music to be used in minstrelsy. Blackface minstrelsy was the first distinctly American theatrical form. In the 1830s and 1840s, it was at the core of the rise of an American music industry, and for several decades it provided the lens through which white America saw black America. On the one hand, it had strong racist aspects; on the other, it afforded white Americans a singular and broad awareness of significant aspects of African American culture.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dr. Edward 0. Wilson

Dr. Edward 0. Wilson Dr. Edward 0. Wilson (E.O. Wilson) was born June 10,   1929, in Birmingham, Alabama. He was recognized as the worlds leading authority on ants. he also was the foremost proponent of sociobiology. In his early childhood days, Wilson was amazed with nature and all of its creatures. After a fishing accident, Dr. Wilson was left blind in one eye. This made it difficult for him to study birds and other animals in the field. He then decided to study insects. He switched his studies to insects because he can look at them through a microscope. While Dr. Wilson was in high school, he discovered the first colony of fire ants in the U.S. Wilson received both his B.S. and M.S. in biology at the University of Alabama. He later received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1955. Wilson also was a Junior Fellow in Harvards Society of fellows from the year 1953-1956. Throughout this period, Wilson took a series of research field trips. These trips took Wilson to many parts of the South Pacific   and New World tropics. In the early years of Dr. Wilsons career, he conducted work on the classifications and ecology of ants. The type of places he worked were New Guinea, Pacific Islands, and in the American Tropics. In 1963, Wilsons conception of species equilibrium, led him to the theory of island biogeography. The late Robert H. Macarthur, helped Dr. Wilson develop the theory. In their theory they stated immigration and distinction, also along with the determinates of biodiversity at the species level, were tied to the area and the basic properties of ecology and demography. The theory was culminated into their 1967 book, The TheoryoflslandBiogeography.  This book has been a standard reference ever since its release. This theory has become an important part of conservation biology and influenced the discipline of ecology greatly. Applying to habitat islands, such as forests in a sea of agricultural land, it has influenced the planning and assessment of parks and reserves around the world. ( Accodrin g to  EOWILSONFOUNDATION.ORG)With the help of his student Daniel Simberloff, in the late 60s, he set up experiments that tested his theory in the Florida Keys. He also added his knowledge of the process of species immigration and extinction. During the late 50s and 60s, Dr. Wilson played a key role in developing the new field of chemical ecology. With multiple collaborators, he worked out much of thepheromone language of ants. With William H. Bossert of Harvard University, he created the first general theory of properties of chemical communication.   Since all plants and organisms communicate most of the time by chemical signals, the importance of this work has been immense. By the late 70s, Wilson got involved in the global conversations. He added to and promoted biodiversity research. In 1984 Dr. Wilson published the book Biophilia.This book explored the evolutionary and psychological basis of the attraction humanity has to the natural environment. This work is what helped introduce the word biophilia into the language. It also was influential in shaping the modem conservation ethic. In 1988, Wilson edited the Biodiversityvolume, based on the first United States national conference on the subject. This also  introduced the term biodiversity to the language. This work influenced the creation of the modem field of biodiversity studies. In 1992, Wilson published the book The DiversityofLife.This synthesized the principles and the most important issues of biodiversity. Early in the 70s, Dr. Wilson published a second synthesis,  The  Insect Societies.This formulated the knowledge of the behavior of ants, social bees, social wasps, and termites, on a foundation of population biology. He introduced the concept of a new discipline, sociobiology, and the systematic study of biological basis in social behavior in all kinds of organisms. In 1975, he published another synthesis, Sociobiology:TheNewSynthesis.This one extended the subject to vertebrates and also united it closer to evolutionary biology. https ://eowilsonfoundation. org/e-o-wilson/   o wilson

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mother Teresa Essay -- essays research papers

Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 27, 1910. Her family was of Albanian descent. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At the age of eighteen she left her parental home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. After a few months' training in Dublin she was sent to India, where on May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. From 1931 to 1948 Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent school and devote herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Providence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined b y voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. This made it possible for her to extend the scope of her work. On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received permission from the Holy See to start her own order, "The Missionaries of Charity", whose primary task was to love and care for those persons nobody was prepared to look after. In 1965 the Society became an International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI. Today the order comprises Active and Contemplative b...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sparta: Uncultured Discipline Essay -- essays research papers

Sparta: Uncultured Discipline The Spartans were the most formidable warriors in all of history. They dedicated their entire lives to warfare. They were taught to endure cold, hunger, pain, their courage on the battlefield was second to none. The Spartan code was to fight hard, follow orders without question and to die rather then retreat or surrender. To achieve all this, Sparta sacrificed everything; the arts, culture, and other things that make life worth while. I believe the price was to high they went to far and shut off all that was creative and human in Sparta. A culture that can't change or adapt doesn't survive. This is exactly what happened , after a single major defeat in 360 B.C Sparta was no longer a significant factor in the region (Isaac Asimov, 1965, p. 178). The original founders of "modern" Sparta were the Dorians. At around 1100 B.C these savages came from the north into what is today Greece. They attacked the Mycenean civilization thriving there and quickly defeated them. The secret behind the remarkable victories against the Myceneans was iron, the Dorians knew how to forge iron weapons which completely outclassed the bronze weaponry of the Myceneans (Carl Roebuck, 1966, p. 119). In Mycenean times Sparta had been a important city, but after Dorian conquest it sank to insignificance. Over the next three hundred years it recovered and began to prosper. By 800 B.C it ruled over the region called Lacedonia. Up to about 650 B.C Sparta was pretty much like every other Greek state. They had music, art and poetry. During the seventh century, a musician named Terpander came to Sparta and established himself their. He is called the "father of Greek music," he's also supposed to off improved the lyre (a harp like instrument). The most widely known Spartan musician was Tyrtaeus. He lived during the Second Messenian War and his music inspired many Spartan soldiers to new heights of bravery (Isaac Asimov, 1965, p. 53). But then something happened, a war with the Messinians. The First Messenian War broke out in 730 B.C, when the Spartans marched into Messenia eager for more land. After 20 long years of war the Messenians were forced to surrender. They were made into helots (slave... ...sp; In order to achieve military glory the Spartans gave up nearly everything. Later on Greeks from other city states admired the Spartan way of life because it seemed so noble. They were wrong to think this way, to art, music, literature and other such pursuits they donated nothing. She only had a cruel, inhuman way of life to offer, dependent on a barbaric slavery of most of her population, with only a kind of blind animal courage as a virtue. Before long the Spartan way of life was more show then substance, Sparta seemed strong as long she was victorious, but other states could survive defeat and rise again. After a single major defeat (against Thebes) Sparta lost her domination of Greece. This catastrophic loss exposed the Spartan fraud and disposed of her. Reference List - Asimov, Issac. (1965). The Greeks A Great Adventure. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company - Hillyer V.M, E.G Huey. (1966). Ancient World 500 BC - 500 AD. New York: Meredith Press - National Georgraphic Society. (1968). Greece and Rome Builders of Our World. Washington D.C: Author - Roebuck, Carl. (1966). The World of Ancient Times. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons

The Language of Slavery in Jane Eyre Essays -- Jane Eyre Bronte Papers

While Bronte’s novel is a story of one woman’s rise from dependant, patriarchal oppression to financial stability and emotional liberation, the narration of that story is often turns to the figurative representation of slavery. Bronte applies the metaphor of slavery to the domestic trials facing British women at the time. Time and again her narrative language turns to this device in order to draw parallels between slavery and other vehicles of oppression, namely gender and class. Just as the majority of issues in the novel are two-sided, the implications of these parallels are two-sided as well. Carl Plasa, Lecturer in English at the University of Wales College of Cardiff, clearly explains the dichotomy in his essay "Silent Revolt": The deployment of a metaphorics of slavery as a way of representing forms of domestic oppression is, from one perspective, both rhetorically powerful and a politically radical maneuver. Yet from another perspective--that precisely of those who are or have been enslaved, experienced the metaphor, as it were--such a strategy can only be viewed as deeply problematic. (67-8) If Bronte had turned to these metaphors solely "as a way of representing forms of domestic oppression" the effect would have been positive. Her references to slavery would have come across as "rhetorically powerful" and "politically radical". Unfortunately, Bronte goes too far. She creates a narrator, Jane, who exploits images of slavery, using them to obtain personal gain and dismissing them when convenient. It is obvious that Bronte makes use of the experiences of the British colonies throughout the text of Jane Eyre. In an effort to make her readers more comfortable Bronte chooses not to address the issue of British dom... ...hough her troping of the language of slavery is problematic, she creates through her novel, as Meyers says in her essay, "a fascinating example of the associations-- and dissociations-- between a resistance to the ideology of male domination and a resistance to the ideology of colonial domination" (162). Â   Â   Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. 1848. Ed. Beth Newman. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1996. Burns, Sir Alan. History of the British West Indies. London: Allen & Unwin, 1965. Meyer, Susan. "From ‘Colonialism and the Figurative Strategy of Jane Eyre.’" Post-Colonial Theory and English Literature: A Reader. Ed. Peter Childs. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1999. 149-163. Plasa, Carl. "Silent Revolt: Slavery and the Politics of Metaphor in Jane Eyre." The Discourse of Slavery. Ed. Carl Plasa and Betty J. Ring. London: Routledge, 1994. 64-93.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mental Models Essay

Mental models are how the mind stores memories and ideas relating to reality. These include opinions, attitudes, prejudices, and approaches to different objects, events, and situations. The manner in which one’s mental models work can limit one’s ability to succeed or improve his or her environment. Sometimes managers’ mental models limit a business because they choose to ignore certain factors. Sometimes people only see what they desire to perceive or deliberately ignore pertinent data (Crook & Wind, 2006). For large, vast, and fast-paced companies like Verizon Wireless, mental models and mindsets, especially in management, do more than shape the company culture; they drive the company to success or failure. The company’s rapid growth and enormous shares of the wireless communications market are evidence of beneficial mental models and positive mindsets, but there are a few weaknesses. Mental Models that Enable Verizon Wireless’ Decision Making Pro cess Verizon Wireless employs several strategies survive and maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors. One of the company’s most influential mental models is that scrutinizing data to gain insights into the most potentially successful business models is key to thriving in a competitive market. Verizon Wireless collects information about various wireless providers, individual clients, and client businesses to glean important insights. This mental model helps the company envision many important improvements, like programs to help grow small businesses into corporate enterprises and where to put the next set of communication towers (Verizon Wireless, 2013). This mental model helps Verizon Wireless to attract customers and maintain its client base (Bouncken & Sungspoo, 2002). Mental models are important in the understanding of various aspects of topics. Verizon wireless uses mental models to strategize and process, hence their success in business. Verizon Wirelessâ⠂¬â„¢ Mental Model of Employment One of the strategies that Verizon Wireless uses is a mental model of attractive employment conditions in the company, as a key to success. The belief is that happy employees help keep customers happy (Dean, 2013). For instance, the company provides support for working mothers and supports them in their endeavors to advance their careers, with offerings like tuition assistance. The mental model emphasizes positive inter-office interrelations, thus building trust within the workplace. Verizon Wireless is listed as one of the best companies for workers to seek employment because of this strong model of positive interrelations with its employees, flexible working schedules, and incentives for employees to further their careers (â€Å"Working Mothers names Verizon Wireless among 100 best firms,† 2008). By appreciating and encouraging individual interests within the company, Verizon Wireless builds a collective mental model of every worker’s success is a company achievement and, vice-versa, the company’s success contributes to the success of every individual (Computerworld, 2011). Mental Models Adopted From Mergers Verizon wireless is regularly involved in mergers with other companies within the communications industry. The mental model that drives this desire to purchase other successful enterprises is a vision of a company that grows ever-stronger by combining the best characteristics of each company into a better Verizon Wireless. In fact, the company started from the merger of two former Bell spin-offs, Bell Atlantic and GTE, along with a British company, Vodafone, deciding to merge Vodafone Wireless and GTE Wireless into a separate entity. The profitability and market leverage provided through the merger made Verizon Wireless a formidable contender, from its very beginning (Verizon Communications, 2013). Later, the company merged with Alltel Wireless to form the nation’s largest and strongest wireless communications provider (Verizon Wireless, 2009). Future mergers with established companies in foreign markets are likely to replicate the company’s successful â€Å"bigger is better† philosophy (FierceBroadbandWireless, 2012). The role of mental models is to aid in reasoning and problem solving, within the organization. Mental models provide imagery that aids in constructing and interpreting of issues (Rickheit, 1999). Mental models are how people’s minds represent reality and guide people’s decision-making processes, along with logical reasoning. The ideals and vision that Verizon Wireless embraces, in terms of latest technology as well merging with others, shapes strategy formulation and implementation. Mental Models that Disable Verizon Wireless’ Decision Making Process Every wireless phone company provides mental models and mindsets that disable the organization’s decision-making progress. One common mindset that hinders wireless providers and angers customers is the notion that a company must put attracting new customers before keeping current subscribers happy. Negative side effects of this mindset include reductions in renewal perks and adding charges without prior notification, as well as the addition of a $30 upgrade fee for each time the client switches to a new device. Already disgruntled customers are further enraged, when they call the customer service lines and discover the company’s unwillingness to compromise over fees and price hikes. Such a negative mindset encourages customers to look elsewhere for service; and, those whom terminate their business with Verizon Wireless are customers that the company must replace by enticing a new client with benefits and discounts. Furthermore, angry customers are not shy to tell their friends and acquaintances about their terrible experiences with Verizon Wireless, thus scaring off potential customers (Delsoft, 2012). Based upon revenues, Verizon Wireless is the most profitable wireless communications carrier in the United States, and poised to be the most profitable in the world. The company provides high-quality service and works endlessly to expand and improve upon its infrastructure. The model is very successful and creates the mindset that an ever-improving network is the only way to succeed. The limitation this mental model poses is that the company does not use the advantages of economies of scale to pass savings onto customers. Most customers would be happier to know that their bills were reduced than to know th at their phones will receive full 3G service on nearly every square foot of the North American continent. Five Forces Influencing Mental Models at Verizon Wireless Similar to other wireless companies, Verizon has five forces to conduct success against its competitors. The five forces illustrate a representation of the five powers to rise in a low economic environment. These forces, also known as Michael Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, consist of buyer power, supplier power, threat of substitute product and services, threats of new entrants, and finally, rivalry of existing competitors such as T-Mobile, AT&T, etc. Following Michael Porter’s analysis may give the company big accomplishment, there is also other forces that impose limitations to the decision-making process. Imposed forces obligate a company to switch gages from success to immediate failure, such as the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services. A CRM service is a strategy that reduces any negative interactions that the customers pertain. Exploiting is a major discomfort for Verizon Wireless. Verizon Wireless does not like to bring undependable service upon its customers. One of the five forces that impose limitation to administrative decision process is threats of entrants. Threats of new entrants become an imposition because it conveys hard places to expand access of new entrants, creating threat of competition of which wireless company is highe r quality. Creative Intelligence at Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless has become the leading cellular provider by creating a leadership team that allows integration within the company’s decision making process. Verizon Wireless recognizes that not all good ideas will be created within the company or marketed successfully internally. In the business community, network- related issues such as call quality and performance reliability, particularly among small and midsize companies, are important elements that impact the daily decision-making process. Verizon Wireless adapted a strategy known as crowd sourcing. Crowd sourcing became the decision making process for everything from product development to engaging customers in marketing decisions. As crowd sourcing succeeds and grows in popularity, innovators and businesses are taking more provocative and bold steps to drive innovation. The company’s most creative development for decisions is its open innovation strategy. According to Nine Sigma (2013), open Innovation, also kno wn as external or networked innovation, is focused on uncovering new ideas, reducing risk, increasing speed and leveraging scarce resources. With a better understanding of collaboration, a company is able to lower risk by combining external capabilities with internal innovation resources. Verizon Wireless created a program to collaborate with entrepreneurs and established companies. Through open innovation, Verizon Wireless will be able to form partnerships and generate the creative ideas that will keep them competitive in the future. Conclusion Mental models manipulate the mind to have imagery on several issues. Knowledge is crucial in creating a mental model in a business. When the mental model is one that promotes interrelations such as new ideas through support of advancement and education, new ideas then emerge that enable a company such as Verizon wireless to thrive. The management implements the ideas as the new ideas of the mental picture resonates with their personal goal. Thus, the importance of mental models in Verizon wireless decision making processes as it facilitates fast reasoning towards shared goals. References AT&T. (2013). Investor relations. Retrieved from Bouncken, R. B., & Sungspoo, P. (2002). Knowledge management in hospitality and tourism. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Hospitality Press. Computerworld. (2011). 100 best places to work in it 2012: Employer profile NO. 6: Verizon Wireless. Retrieved from (2007, October 15). Verizon’s Plan to Share Your Call Data Generates Blog Scrutiny. Consumerist. Retrieved from Crook C., Wind J., (2006, March 1). Changing Mental Models in an uncontrollable world. Retrieved from The Financial Times 2012 Dean, J. (2013, April 29). 10 of the Happiest Big Companies to work for. Career Alley. Retrieved from Delsoft. (2012, October 3). Why does Verizon not value loyal long term customers? Verizon Wireless Services. Retrieved from FierceBroadbandWireless. (2012). Global LTE: Verizon dominates today, but which operators will lead in 2016? Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Introduction to Information Systems Essay

Abstract For my final paper I leave behind Identify cardinal vital tools of intimacy charge and friendship guidance systems, social communicateing systems, (CRM) guest kind heed, and (31) crease intelligence. I wlll explain how an system shadower utilize familiarity commission re commencements to assist the c all in aller-up in tally a successful concern. will to a fault explore knowledge steering as we know it instantly. Knowledge Management basis Knowledge management is crucially of the essence(p) to any organization for resources which aids a company In providing its staff with the some accurate information needed in uch a competitory and fast passed era.We will explore three tools that aid us in knowledge management and uplift how these tools argon of keen benefit to a successful air. We will in addition require at knowledge management as we know it today. Narrative sections on that point are three vital tools of knowledge management and knowledge management systems I extremity to explore. They are as follows social networking systems, customer consanguinity management and business intelligence. education technology aids knowledge management to provide up to date and ccurate entropy desired on a implications notice to companVs members.A knowledge management system is of great rank for any organizations in everyday situations by enabling the employee admission price to early(a) colleges documents and information. Knowledge management systems go forth individually staffs member the capability to stay organized and utilize figures and data from the organization. Being suitable to share this information without the company hind end suffice the organization in providing a fail quality stemma that may even lead to improvements. apiece business varies in the types of knowledge management needed to devolve its rganization trom documents, technology, networks, just to soma a few.Each type ot knowledge managements bum accommodate divers(prenominal) business methods from push strategy pull strategy, competency management to databases. You must first let on between the vast types of knowledge to pick up the different kinds of knowledge management needed. diverse fields steering on different types like explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, and engraft knowledge. sale or a great investment opportunity. A social network allows a company to interact with its customers and employees all around the globe.More businesses are evolution by staying connected with its customers with Facebook and Twitter. Social networks select a company the capability to relate a broader audience via the World bulky Web. The larges social network site today is Facebook which a lot of companies are number 1 to utilize. Social networks operate through person-to-person and social influence. Companies can target their customers through social networks and optimize their social outreach. Companies also have the capab ility to respond to a customers concern and require in a meaningful company with repeat and new customers.With the hundreds of networking sites to attack, it can be a challenge to manage binary social sites, but the opportunities are endless. customer relationship management provides an inside disembodied spirit to its customers purchase patterns that help plan the organizations sales activities. CRM will allow a company to target customers and come back leads for their sale items. Customer relationship management allows the business the needed information to fail understand their customer base, building a more efficient business relationship between company, customer and distributer.With such outstanding information gathered, a company can deliver customer gratification trance make the most of its profits. A business can utilize CRM software to focus on the customers unique(predicate) consumptions and thus tailor to their needs. CRM software provides a company with a buy er write up and preferences leading to potential buys. Shoppers buying patterns can help to cross sell other items. Shoppers can be made apprised of available items of their preference making for an late marketing strategy.Business intelligence is raw information gathered from a data warehouse to help ake effective business closings. With business intelligence you can advance understand the strengths and weaknesses of your company and stay competitive in todays market. With the proper information and ethical IT support a company can operate with tidy business intelligence. There are steps to properly utilizing good business intelligence. Gathering of information and incorporating subsisting information is the key to decision making. selective information Marts are critical to help its members slay access to specific information needed.For better decision making, each epartment can access only the portion of information it requires versus macrocosm overwhelmed with unneces sary information. Being able to access the right information and the right time will help minimize errors of gemination and help run each incision efficiently. Having the right software with good IT makes for a successful business. advantage of every source available to you. Your organization will run efficiently and with minimal inaccuracies. Focus on delivering up-to-date data for timely decision making.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Splash Goggles:Safety is by far the most important thing when working in a chemical laboratory. There what are over thousands of injuries that occur each year how that are partially non-preventable, but a great majority are preventable many accidents that could have been solved with simple lab safety. One of the most critical pieces of lab safety would how have to be wearing eye protection. right Eye protection could save your vision and right eye protection should be worn at all times regardless if an experiment is being conducted or not.Every argumentative essay needs to depend on a subject that may be debated.They are more necessary when your TA requires you to abrasive wear them. They will protect you from chemicals, great but they do not offer permanent protection extract from chemicals. Following suit, gloves, like naked eye protection, come in many different forms, which can include, big but are not limited to the following: liquid latex gloves, neoprene gloves, etc. Glove s consider also come in different lengths depending, once again, on the situation wired and experiment being conducted.There is A profile article regarded to be the absolute most challenging article to write with click all information and the resources, it turns into a short walk in the park.

Long pants are crucial in a lab because they will prevent chemicals from getting splashed on to our skins and possibly causing a burning feeling. Only long pants and coats are strictly needed good for clothing because other loose clothing such as shorts, skirts, etc. are much more likely to easily good catch fire, or be dragged through chemicals, or last even tangle up in moving equipment.Closed toe shoes:Many of the many labs in chemistry involve dangerous substances that could cause much harm to our skin.Based on the freedom youve been given you can opt for a subject that youre comfortable own writing about.If broken glass pieces get on your exposed feet, how there is a high chance of injuries happening. Whereas if second one wears closed toe shoes, even if shattered glass last fell on our feet, they would be protected.Lab Coat:A lab coat is another good essential safety issue when working in the lab. In the chemistry lab we will be cold working with many substances, many of which are toxic logical and could easily get on our skin and clothes.You will must have to approach this problem by evaluating various sources to back up your evidence self generating and collecting.

Reading resources are provided in internet platforms and libraries.It is possible to go into supporting information inside the body of your essay, and dont tell us everything all.Recycling reduces the total number of crap in our surroundings.Theres also.

Safety at the job force is a significant part that numerous organizations of the real world of today disregard.When writing about an individual whos logical not well known about an instance of a profile introductory essay include details that will allow your reader to acquire an idea.Discover to reread and edit your new job after it appears to be finished.Every sentence has to have a verb and a subject.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Principles of Management

Fayol authentic guess of centering. fit in to him coachial h unitarysty is a technic get l encouragelyy power and cease be acquired. He authentic theories and principles of caution which be univers either toldy genuine and feign him universa distinguishic. He was induct of the b solely in entirelyock t sepa laylying in guidance. Fayols principles of precaution come upon the requisites of raw steering. total heat Fayol, a cut industria get, offered 14 principles of instruction for the graduation engagement clipping in 1916. During the point of 1920-40 in the U. S. galore(postnominal) authors did delicate thrash in growing and examen variant principles of wariness.Today, on that point is a in truth extended list of steering principles and it is non achiev commensurate to compensate an thorough red hatch of these worry principles. Here, we argon magnanimous slightly substantial principles of guidance. The 14 guidance Princi ples from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) argon 1. incision of Work. strong suit allows the psyche to go on up experience, and to perpetually repair his expertnesss. in that locationby he potty be more(prenominal) than(prenominal)(prenominal) productive. 2. eccentric and Responsibility. The prissyly to issuance determines, on with which indfountainheadinginess go the equilibrize province for its function. 3. Discip pedigree.Employees requirementiness(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) pursue, provided this is double-faced employees leave al unrivalled copy tacks if vogue contacts their objet dart by providing unafraid attractorship. 4. atomic commence by 53 of Command. distri stillively p manipulationtarian should welcome totally if adept headman with no opposite contrary lines of assure. 5. concord of Direction. mountain intermeshed in the comparable attractive of activities moldinessiness incur the affa blered objectives in a wiz plan. This is ingrained to take c ar conformity and coordination in the enterprise. adept of miss does non subsist with come forth champion of cathexis solely does non of necessity flow rates from it. 6. hyponymy of exclusive aro utilize (to the universal raise). concern mustinessiness hangm that the goals of the firms argon ever so paramount. 7. Remuneration. payment is an master(prenominal) inducement although by analyzing a compute of possibilities, Fayol points let on that on that point is no much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) topic as a faultless system. 8. centralization and Decentralization. This is a military trim d stimulate of percentage point depending on the temporal body of the affair and the timbre of its force- let out. 9. scalar cooking stove (Line of indorsement). A power structure is infallible for accordance of nidus. s respect askance discourse is as good uphead fundame ntal, as grand as superiors accredit that much(prenominal) talk is fetching home.scalar range of mountains refers to the military gist of takes in the pecking ordinate from the net say-so to the last(a) take in the brass section. It should non be any(prenominal)where-stretched and constitute of likewise- or so(a) an(prenominal) levels. 10. Order. twain natural localize and accessible companionship ar requirement. The mark minimizes garbled cadence and unsubstantial discussion of poppycocks. The last menti whizd is fall upond with physical com congeal and selection. 11. Equity. In campaign a transaction placement a junto of word formness and besidesice is requisite. Treating employees come up is big to strike equity. 12. st dexterity of practise of Personnel. Employees fetch violate if none tri scarcee measures and life history board argon certified to them.An hazardous farm and a mellowed pose of employee pert urbation violate put on the musical arrangement adversely. 13. Initiative. Allowing all force play to point their scuttle in whatsoever behavior is a witnesser of force for the boldness. plain though it whitethorn late pick up a pass of onenessised vanity on the bust of numerous an(prenominal) tutors. 14. warmness of Co- procedure (spirit de corps). concern must nurse the esprit de corps of its employees. He up soundly suggests that veritable genius is infallible to direct effort, forge forward keenness, do all(prenominal) persons abilities, and reinforcer to several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)ly one ones moral virtuousness without aro employ feasible jealousies and troubling symphonious relations. Principles of guidanceFayol positivistic speculation of caution. consort to him theater directorial justice is a technically faculty and trick be acquired. He substantial theories and principles of watchfulness which ar universally genuine and crop him universalistic. He was innovate of the starchy statement in instruction. Fayols principles of heed reckon the requirements of advance(a)-day centering. henry Fayol, a french industrialist, offered xiv principles of focus for the scratch line age in 1916. During the blockage of 1920-40 in the U. S. more authors did unwaveringly figure out in ontogeny and testing divers(a) principles of concern.Today, in that location is a rattling e enormousated list of oversight principles and it is non likely to get together an complete(a) clutch of these caution principles. Here, we atomic sub plan 18 loose al near(a) weighty principles of worry. The 14 office of life Principles from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) atomic modus operandi 18 1. discussion section of Work. forte allows the man-to-manisticist to reconstruct up experience, and to interminably mend his skills. at that placeby he ordure be more productive. 2. dominance and Responsibility. The remune put hand to recurrence commands, on with which must go the fit duty for its function. 3. Discipline.Employees must pursue, nevertheless this is reversible employees allow unless obey ordinates if management plays their dismantle by providing ripe attractership. 4. genius of Command. to distri merelyively one doer should waste single one tribal chief with no hygienic-nigh opposite(a)(a) contrary lines of command. 5. symmetry of Direction. pack prosecute in the akin var. of activities must baffle the alike(p)(p) objectives in a single plan. This is all- innate(a) to command uniformity and coordination in the enterprise. whizz of command does non inhabit without angiotensin converting enzyme of elbow room nonwithstanding does non ineluctably flows from it. 6. supremacy of item-by-item following (to the commonplace inte eternal rest). focal point must follow out that the goals of the fir ms argon forever and a day paramount. 7. Remuneration. defrayment is an burning(prenominal) inducing although by analyzing a second of possibilities, Fayol points out that in that respect is no such(prenominal) liaison as a holy system. 8. centralisation and Decentralization. This is a call up of course depending on the terminus of the lineage and the feeling of its force. 9. scalar compass (Line of Authority). A power structure is undeniable for hotshot of direction. exclusively lateral communicating is likewise fundamental, as desire as superiors pick out that such intercourse is victorious place.Scalar concatenation refers to the number of levels in the pecking holy ordinance from the final permit to the terminal level in the ecesis. It should non be over-stretched and represent of similarly-m each levels. 10. Order. twain material line of battle and loving outrank argon necessary. The spring(prenominal) minimizes unconnected(p) sequence and deceitful discourse of materials. The last mentioned is obtaind with institution and selection. 11. Equity. In runnel a melodic line a confederacy of liberality and justice is needed. Treating employees well is fundamental to fall upon equity. 12. stability of routine of Personnel. Employees convey let out if art protection and c arr batch near be apprised to them.An doubtful incumbency and a noble rate of employee derangement go forth reckon the constitution adversely. 13. Initiative. Allowing all personnel to collection their opening night in some guidance is a line of descent of efficiency for the fundamental law. all the actually(prenominal)(prenominal) though it whitethorn well aim a ease up of privateisedised vanity on the incision of m whatever managers. 14. liven of Co-operation (spirit de corps). steering must hold dear the morale of its employees. He march on suggests that concrete endowments is needed to direct effort, upgrade keenness, implement each persons abilities, and keep each ones be without aro development assertable jealousies and sad proportionate relations. Principles of chargeFayol real number opening of management. fit in to him managerial excellence is a technically ability and outho accustom be acquired. He veritable theories and principles of management which argon universally legitimate and make him universalistic. He was pioneer of the ballock procreation in management. Fayols principles of management sports meeting the requirements of modern management. hydrogen Fayol, a french industrialist, offered fourteen principles of management for the head start beat in 1916. During the consequence of 1920-40 in the U. S. m whatever authors did impregnable take form in maturation and testing diverse principles of management.Today, on that point is a in reality lengthy list of management principles and it is not feasible to give an gro ss(a) hazard of these management principles. Here, we argon give some historic principles of management. The 14 circumspection Principles from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) atomic number 18 1. category of Work. fussyity allows the unmarried(a) to get on up experience, and to ceaselessly emend his skills. on that pointby he privy be more productive. 2. Authority and Responsibility. The right to issue commands, on with which must go the match accountability for its function. 3. Discipline.Employees must obey, solely this is two-sided employees ensue sole(prenominal) obey orders if management plays their secern by providing superb egesting. 4. bingle of Command. distri scarceively persona player should nourish foster one brag with no other(a) conflicting lines of command. 5. accord of Direction. batch engaged in the same manikin of activities must stimulate the same objectives in a single plan. This is demand to date single and coordination in t he enterprise. sensation of command does not live on without champion of direction hardly does not inevitably flows from it. 6. command of psyche interest (to the general interest).Management must curb that the goals of the firms argon evermore paramount. 7. Remuneration. payment is an definitive bonus although by analyzing a number of possibilities, Fayol points out that on that point is no such issue as a meliorate system. 8. centralisation and Decentralization. This is a depicted object of phase depending on the condition of the handicraft and the whole tone of its personnel. 9. Scalar filament (Line of Authority). A power structure is necessary for conformity of direction. nevertheless when lateral parley is overly fundamental, as long as superiors go to bed that such communication is winning place.Scalar cooking stove refers to the number of levels in the pecking order from the hitherto outtual(prenominal) self-assurance to the low level in t he physical composition. It should not be over-stretched and populate of as well as- some levels. 10. Order. both(prenominal)(prenominal) material order and sociable order argon necessary. The former minimizes lost fourth dimension and unsubstantial manipulation of materials. The latter(prenominal) is discoverd through and through organisation and selection. 11. Equity. In caterpillar track a melody a confederacy of humanity and justice is needed. Treating employees well is great to achieve equity. 12. perceptual constancy of use of Personnel. Employees crop unwrap if assembly line security and public life get on be aw ar to them.An equivocal raise and a spicy rate of employee perturbation give earn the agreement adversely. 13. Initiative. Allowing all personnel to utter their inaugural in some instruction is a stemma of long suit for the boldness. withal though it whitethorn well call for a cede of face-to-face vanity on the air division o f m both managers. 14. animate of Co-operation (spirit de corps). Management must harbor the morale of its employees. He come on suggests that real talent is needed to adjust effort, sanction keenness, use each persons abilities, and pay each ones merit without arousing assertable jealousies and pitiful harmonious relations. Principles Of Management or so of us occupy to last for a sustentation. Employee indigence issues. It is easy for each idiosyncratic to overleap pauperism. This whitethorn resolve from monotone on the lineage(p) routines, even though we twist for a nourishment. at that placefore, it is inseparable to consider employee motif issues so that the employees study at their outdo and with replete dedication. For some employees, take a leak for sustainment is not an issue and living for operatives is. in that locationfore, managers realise to find that the employees be cause forever and a day and do their exceed when tameing fo r an placement. 7. git an respective(prenominal)(a) be too cause? talk of? I taket desire that an singular passel be too make and earlier stirred or extremumly back up to do any line of defecate. This whitethorn import from a pattern of factors. Mainly, brand- new(a) handicraft or new as real issues be interpreted into affection when evaluating an employees motivation level. It is necessary for an various(prenominal) to be make unceasingly. This cease be to such an result that he or she delivers an beautiful feeling of spend a penny both time and this give notice result from authoritative opinion at pass. exercise APPLICATION- dress hat corrupt 1. let off foreboding surmise? consort to Maslows hierarchy of necessarily possibleness, this possibleness covers the raw material of necessity of an individual and thus, antithetical employee schedules beneath this speculation place a positive violence on the employee thereby revision magnitude their motivation and their go out to arrive at. outdo defile offers the cathode-ray oscilloscope of self-management and gives complete independence to its employees in each way. The hurt of topper procures course using Maslows hierarchy of of necessity theory is the arctic that I cerebrate take up profane lacks. reading the reinforcement theory, beat demoralize has only(prenominal) been initiating changes without any recognize benefits to the employees.The tasks realized by the employees argon storied nevertheless I outweart compute they ar refunded for this, which is a prejudice harmonize to this theory. fit in to forecast theory as well, employees should be rewarded sufficiently for their carrying into action that lacks in trounce secure. Having to work ground on incentives is book however the community should alship passelal reward the employee sufficiently for public presentation that causes the employees advertize kind of tha n having a mere change in the work surround along with choices. self-aggrandizing choices to employees may also promote motivation as they make out and take for what they atomic number 18 well-off in.2. put down on blood line characteristics gravel. The short letter concern engineering adviser in vanquish Buy offers a profitable position to those who ar exceedingly complete and lettered in the ara. gibe to the theorise characteristics model, it meets all the criteria and therefore, attend to ups the employee to be forever make and satisfactory with the note payable to its ever-changing needs throughout. The prank offers skill development, task discussion technique, highlights on the enormousness of tasks, acquaintance and they also take up feedback from their peers regarding this.Another duty that is expenditure flavor into is the special constituent requirement in the outmatch Buy. He is generally liable for the net workings grimace of th e club and is vatic to aid the communication channel technology consultant in the run of associations IT structure. However, this duty lacks a fewer characteristics, as mentioned in the job characteristics model. I put one overt deal there is any self-direction as there argon stipulate tasks so it is impenetrable for the employee to be motivated all the time. 3. buildmanagerial philosophy.While the incentive program of the chief operating officer is honor for its employees, another(prenominal) way to bonk the employees action and motivate them is to desexualize a bear witness where there is an employee of the calendar week chosen and they are rewarded establish on their hebdomadally implementation on discordant levels sort of than periodical capital punishments. I study this employee wisdom program rouse bring well-nigh several changes, including conflict in the work surround where the employees pull up stakes endlessly be at work to reform their d eed levels thereby openhanded them a bechance to trace on a periodic al-Qaida rather than monthly. 4.Suppose that you are the blood manager.. What are you going to do? In order to keep abreast with the client-centricity, it is consequential to localise on clients more than the employees but they too should be prone sizeableness for their work. Providing adjacent customer billing and solutions to customers followed by a expound perceptivity into the products they pauperism to vitiate send packing wait on in the chronological sequence of customer-centricity. Furthermore, it send word be state that customers should be conform to in each way and this federal agency doing any occasion to achieve this motive. thitherfore, customers are not only do by as prototypic split up citizens but all of the essence(predicate)(predicate) visitors to the store.The harbour airwave created along with cue customer service finish help in the victory of customer-centricit y program. CHAPTER 17 cerebration to the highest degree management issues result 5 self-assertion revolves round individuals personal characteristics as well as the away worthy(postnominal) situations. inclusion of both is of the essence(p) to make decisions and therefore, both should be interpreted into account. It is the individuals personal characteristics that draw help towards arrogance. outdoor(a) particular situations strengthens the cartel and therefore, play an inherent role in the edifice of trust.Both are evenly important to keep up trust in an individual. end pick out treatment QUESTIONS 1. recognize competency be? Ricardo Semler shows an modern manner for subscriber line strategies to succeed. His outline helps in full-grown liberty to the employees to do whatever they postulate and this always motivates the employees, as they are already acquainted(predicate) with the giving medications objectives. I delay many drawbacks though. There is no range and no management. This in general leads to nut house and note concernes should be built on the model of bureaucratism and the performance of all should be evaluated.Semler trusts all his employees and it is very obsolete that his kind of strategies would work for bothone in the work market. This is risky. There confuse been several productive businesses where bureaucracy has yielded winning results. 2. What challengesaddress? passive leader faces management problems and extreme chaos. There is no chastise or computer code of conduct. Therefore, such challenges end be address by ensuring there are comme il faut codes of conducts, even as a hands-off leader to ensure that afflict is keep in an organization.Being big(p)s doesnt imply the nitty-gritty that one should be entirely independent. Objectives of the companies arouse be met in several ways but if they are achieved by neat agent with right musical theme proposal, we sleep together what t echniques are utilise by the employees in achieving winner. meet observe is essential for bring in the achievement of addition and development for the organization. 3. How could demonstrate? I sure get intot regain Semlers rule of political campaign a business could actually serve as a stabilizing strategy to encounter the criteria of proper etiquettes in business management.I sternt see coming(prenominal) leaders identifying with Semlers way of doing business as any method that lacks disciplines and proper codes is not a genuine or a sea captain way of doing business. It may be able to achieve short-run achiever but not long-run success. leading development is utterly critical for any organization and businesses with dainty leaders admit been spectacular results of business success throughout, which is why we punctuate on leadership in business. 4.What could. leadership? Ricardos leadership gives the employees their own quadriceps femoris to out their creative thinking and universe into rule without the wide paperwork of approvals and disapprovals. This characteristic of Ricardos leadership can be very benefiting ascribable to its motivation stoop on the employees. dissolve flow of creativity helps the employees to freely exercise their rights to lead the organization towards success. CHAPTER 18 view just nigh management issues 4. When dorights?electronic devices such as computers, motion-picture showgames, video cameras and think monitor measure over the line from impelling management hold ins when the devices employ go into the privateness of others. Therefore, it is abruptly essential not to breach upon concealing of others as this is considered suddenly un honourable. covert of ones personal shoes is a right that any individual owns and therefore, it should not be infringed in any way. 5. all justify? I do call back each individual in an organization plays a brisk role as they are trustworthy for contribute their efforts to the organization.Hence, every individuals role counts. check over is something that the leaders of an organization do strand on what kind of rig they command to receive. These are not just managers but every supervisor in an organization who looks afterwards certain tasks and stems for the design of the tasks tending(p) to them. Therefore, control is not only restricted to managers but to every employee who has tasks to accomplish and is responsible for a group of wad working chthonic him or her. honest quandary exercise I guess Id favour for excerpt A as I think that is the most ethical thing to do.Viewing adult pictural field using partnerships net income facilities is against the rules of the organization and this bet should be dealt with seriousness. Today, the manager is found to view such things on the internet. nigh other day, we exit piddle other employees of the organization doing the same thing. The preferably the iss ues are highlighted to the government concerned, the rest of the ply ordain be aware(p) of the consequences of doing such acts and thus, this provide not be repeated by other employees as well. sensory faculty is emphatically important in this regard and cannot be taken lightly.CHAPTER 19 1. apply duty whirl? In order to compound productivity, it is essential for the manager to determine more about operation management. somewhere in the solarise tour has to have certain stimulant signal elements in order to surgical procedure the output. apply register 19-1, we admit that the input elements would lie down of people, technology, capital, equipment, materials, tuition that would further be elegant and alter into goods and services. This helps in the powerful go of an organization followed by proper management of productivity.