Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assess the importance of Ghandi to Indian nationalism Essay

Assess the importance of Ghandi to Indian nationalism - Essay Example Ghandi was born in October 1869 in a Hindu Modh family in Porbandar, Gujarat in India, and was given the name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi by his parents. The father named Karamchand Gandhi was a chief minister at the city of Porbandar; meaning mahatma Ghandi had a strong upbringing background around leadership, politics, and guided by the Hindu principles (Shelokhonov, 2013). The principles he learned early in life made him a mature and determined man early in age, considering that he had the chance to experience and observe the discrimination the colonialist and their associates conducted on the native people. He became motivated in his law study and understanding of varying principles of different religions he encountered with in different lands. According to Barua, â€Å"his combined brilliance, humanism, and courage with indomitable will brought a revolutionary change in the East Indian Community in South Africa and India† (n.d, p. 2). Borrowing from numerous teaching of th e different religions, and inspirations from wise political ideologies such as those of Gopal Krishna, David Thoreau, and Leo Tolstoy, he was able to organize non-violent movements, which would paralyze the then imperial governments to have their demands heeded. As a key reformist, he was named Bapu Ghandi and is today known to be the father of the Indian nation, after his successful organization and support for the non violent movements of struggle for freedom in India. Characters of Mahatma Ghandi: The persona of Ghandi is still held debatable by many, depending on religion and way of life. However, it must be admitted that he had acquired certain substantial and enabling virtues from his way of life in different environments across the world. Even though being a faithful Hindu, he drew some of his principles from the Bible, the Islamic religion, among others to shape his characters and belief for the common good of existence in the general society. His persona brought him close t o the society, especially the women whom characters and sufferings he understood in broad point of view. Effectively, he was very attracted to the virtues of different societies (Western, African, and Indian), cultures, and different genders, and hoped to unite the people together for their common good. He was a man described to be courageous and stubborn in confronting the British governments, yet humble, patient, and compassionate to others, regardless of their religion, race, and gender. The virtues of non-violence (Ahimsa) and compassion he believed in, was an acceptance of the women qualities, who had been kept out of power and dominion in political and social aspects because of their simple virtues of patience, compassion, and tenderness that was viewed as a contradiction to the roles (Anand, 2006). With such a trusted persona, Ghandi was able to pull people closer, the strong and the weak and from it, women had the opportunity to come out of their locked areas and confidently support him in Indian liberation. Anand further mentions that the very nature of his virtues (ahimsa and truth among others) made the people liberation movement open to all; his plans and politics also comprised most trusted feminine virtues, allowing men and women to take part in the non-violent wars (2006). Ghandi’

Monday, October 28, 2019

Critical period in language development Essay Example for Free

Critical period in language development Essay The concept of a critical period is well in nature. In human beings there seems to be a critical for the first language acquisition. Research shows that any human who is not exposed to any language before puberty, becomes completely unable to the syntax of their first language later in life. From my personal experience I have learnt that any individual who learns their first language at infancy and later (at puberty) gets to move from their motherland to foreign land where no one speaks their language, no matter how long these individuals stay from home they can never forget their mother tongue. Accent may change but they will always remember their first language Here is another practical example to prove that there is a critical period in language development. I happen to be living in Africa; my bosses are Italians (man and wife) they have had to learn English and Kiswahili for easy communication with the locals. They have a five year old baby. When the baby is with her parents they always speak in their first language; when she is left behind with the nanny she is spoken to in Kiswahili all the time. The nanny knows no other language apart from her mother tongue and Kiswahili. This baby has been looked after by this same nanny since she was born. At the age of three a teacher from America was employed to teach this girl. She knew no other language but English. Now look at this closely; the baby is now very fluent in two languages; her first one Italian and her second one; Kiswahili. She is so fluent that she corrects her parents on it! She seems to be doing just fine in English for the last two years she has been taught. Interestingly her teach who is very interested in learning Kiswahili asks her enough times to translate to her in English what has been said in Kiswahili by colleagues. I would say that all depends with the stage at which the language was introduced to an individual. The stage in life. †¢ Kiswahili is a language for the East African state and some of the West African.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Death Penalty, Inaccurately Supported :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers

The Death Penalty, Inaccurately Supported Tommy, sixteen, poor, and mentally retarded constantly found himself being teased and hit by the town bully. He never knew what to do, he would always just look down at the ground and allow himself to get beat up. One day his friend told him that if the bully teased him again he should defend himself and hit him back. The following day, as usual, the bully started to make fun of him and to throw punches at him, afraid and not knowing what to do, Tommy began to hit the bully back. Once he noticed that the bully was afraid and that he had stopped hitting him Tommy, unable to control his actions, continued to beat the nineteen-year-old bully until he fell on the floor and lay motionless. In trial, Tommy’s jobless mom was unable to pay for an attorney so the state provided him with one who could care less about what happened in the case. Tommy received a sentence to death row. Now confused as ever he awaits the day when someone will put him to death by lethal injection. E ven though Tommy’s mental handicap doesn’t allow him to understand what he’s done, he will be executed for his actions. Not only do many states allow the execution of the mentally retarded, but they are also likely to send the poor and mentally ill to death row quicker than the rich <>. Aside from being biased, the death penalty is an expensive, cruel, and ineffective deterrent to crime. Many of today’s executions are based on society’s prejudices. "It is.†¦ believed that we have a system where race and wealth are often more of a determinant of punishment than the brutality or evil motive of the criminal, a system driven by revenge and politics much more than by justice or fairness." <> Although only 12 percent of America’s population is composed of African- Americans, they make up 50 percent of prison population and 40 percent of death row’s population. <> Because of generalizations made by society, "a black man is ten to twelve times more likely to receive the death penalty than a white man even if the same crimes were committed." <www.people.virginia> Aside from being racially biased, capital punishment is also prejudice against the poor. Those who are on trial and cannot afford to pay for an attorney are provided with one by the court.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy

Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy What makes a Shakespeare comedy identifiable if the genre is not distinct from the Shakespeare tragedies and histories? This is an ongoing area of debate, but many believe that the comedies share certain characteristics, as described below: * Comedy through language: Shakespeare communicated his comedy through language and his comedy plays are peppered with clever word play, metaphors and insults. 1. Love: The theme of love is prevalent in every Shakespeare comedy.Often, we are presented with sets of lovers who, through the course of the play, overcome the obstacles in their relationship and unite. Love in Shakespearean comedy is stronger than the inertia of custom, the power of evil, or the fortunes of chance and time. In all of these plays but one (Troilus and Cressida), the obstacles presented to love are triumphantly overcome, as conflicts are resolved and errors forgiven in a general aura of reconciliation and marital bliss at the play's c lose.Such intransigent characters as Shylock, Malvolio, and Don John, who choose not to act out of love, cannot be accommodated in this scheme, and they are carefully isolated from the action before the climax. * * Complex plots: The plotline of a Shakespeare comedy contains more twists and turns than his tragedies and histories. Although the plots are complex, they do follow similar patterns. For example, the climax of the play always occurs in the third act and the final scene has a celebratory feel when the lovers finally declare their love for each other.Moreover, the context of marriage—at least alluded to, is the cap-stone of the comedic solution, for these plays not only delight and entertain, they affirm, guaranteeing the future. Marriage, with its promise of offspring, reinvigorates society and transcends the purely personal element in sexual attraction and romantic love. * Mistaken identities: The plot is often driven by mistaken identity. Sometimes this is an inten tional part of a villain’s plot, as in Much Ado About Nothing when Don John tricks Claudio into believing that his fiance has been unfaithful through mistaken identity.Characters also play scenes in disguise and it is not uncommon for female characters to disguise themselves as male characters, seen in Portia in the Merchant of venice. Shakespeare’s 17 comedies are the most difficult to classify because they overlap in style with other genres. Critics often describe some plays as tragi-comedies because they mix equal measures of tragedy and comedy. For example, Much Ado About Nothing starts as a Shakespeare comedy, but takes on the characteristics of a tragedy when Hero is disgraced and fakes her own death.At this point, the play has more in common with Romeo and Juliet, one of Shakespeare’s key tragedies. The 18 plays generally classified as comedy are as follows: 1 All's Well That Ends Well 2 As You Like It 3 The Comedy of Errors 4 Cymbeline 5 Love's Labourâ⠂¬â„¢s Lost 6 Measure for Measure 7 The Merry Wives of Windsor 8 The Merchant of Venice 9 A Midsummer Night's Dream 10 Much Ado About Nothing 11 Pericles, Prince of Tyre 12 The Taming of the Shrew 13 The Tempest 14 Troilus and Cressida 15 Twelfth Night 16 Two Gentlemen of Verona 7 The Two Noble Kinsmen 18 The Winter's Tale 2. 3. Comedy is a drama that provokes laughter at human behavior, usually involves romantic love, and usually has a happy ending. In Shakespeare's day the conventional comedy enacted the struggle of young lovers to surmount some difficulty, usually presented by their elders, and the play ended happily in marriage or the prospect of marriage. Sometimes the struggle was to bring separated lovers or family members together, and their reunion was the happy culmination (this often involved marriage also).Shakespeare generally observed these conventions, though his inventiveness within them yielded many variations. 4. Eighteen plays are generally included among Shakespe are's comedies. In approximate order of composition, they are. These works are often divided into distinct subclasses reflecting the playwright's development. The first seven, all written before about 1598, are loosely classed as the ‘early comedies', though they vary considerably in both quality and character.The last four of these—Loves Labour's Lost, the Dream, the Merchant, and the Merry Wives—are sometimes separated as a transitional group, or linked with the next three in a large ‘middle comedies' classification. The Merry Wives is somewhat anomalous in any case; it represents a type of comedy—the ‘city play', a speciality of suchwriters as Ben Jonson and Thomas Dekker—that Shakespeare did not otherwise write. The next three plays. Much Ado, As You Like It, and Twelfth Night, are often thought to constitute Shakespeare's greatest achievement in comedy; all written around 1599-1600, they are called the romantic, or mature, comedies. The next group of three plays, called the Problem Plays, which include Alls Well that Ends Well, Troilus and Cressida, and Measure for Measure that were written in the first years of the 17th century, as Shakespeare was simultaneously creating his greatest tragedies. The final cluster, all written between about 1607 and 1613, make up the bulk of the playwright's final period. They are known as the Romances which include Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest, and often The Two Noble Kinsman. (The problem plays and romances were intended to merge Tragedy and comedy in Tragicomedies.Many minor variations in this classification scheme are possible; indeed, the boundaries of the whole genre are not fixed, for Timon of Athens is often included among the comedies, and Troilus and Cressida is sometimes considered a tragedy. 5. Shakespeare's earliest comedies are similar to existing plays, reflecting his inexperience. The Comedy of Errors—thought by many scholars to be h is first drama, though the dating of Shakespeare's early works is extremely difficult—is built on a play by the ancient Roman dramatist Plautus. Characteristically, Shakespeare enriched his source, but with material from another play by Plautus.The Subplot of The Taming of the Shrew was taken from a popular play of a generation earlier, and the main plot was well known in folklore, though the combination was ingeniously devised. The Two Gentlemen of Verona likewise deals with familiar literary material, treating it in the manner of John Lyly, the most successful comedy writer when Shakespeare began his career. 6. However, the young playwright soon found the confidence to experiment, and in Loves Labour's Lost, the Dream, and the Merchant, he created a group of unusual works that surely startled Elizabethan playgoers, though pleasurably, we may presume.In the first he created his own main plot and used a distinctively English variation on the Italian Commedia Dell’Arte traditions for a sub-plot. He thus produced a splendid array of comic situations. The play's abundant topical humor was certainly appreciated by the original audiences, although today we don't always know what it is about. In any case, the major characters are charming young lovers, the minor ones are droll eccentrics, and the closing coup de theatre, with which a darkening mood brings the work to a close, is a stunning innovation. Already, the eventual turn towards tragicomedy is foreshadowed.A Midsummer Night's Dream mingles motifs from many sources, but the story is again the playwright's own; moreover, the play's extraordinary combination of oddity and beauty was entirely unprecedented and has rarely been approximated since. The Merchant of Venice mixes a social theme, usury, into a conventional comedy plot to deepen the resonance of the final outcome as well as to vary the formula. Here, the threat that is finally averted is so dire as to generate an almost tragic mood, again a nticipating developments later in the playwright's career. . The mastery that Shakespeare had achieved by the late 1590s is reflected in the insouciance of the titles he gave his mature comedies (Twelfth Night's subtitle—'What You Will'—matches the others). That mastery is accompanied by a serious intent that is lacking in the earliest comedies. Shakespeare could not ignore the inherent poignancy in the contrast between life as it is lived and the escape from life represented by comedy. In Much Ado, as in The Merchant of Venice, a serious threat to life and happiness counters the froth of a romantic farce.Even in As You Like It, one of the most purely entertaining of Shakespeare's plays, the melancholy Jaques interposes his conviction that life is irredeemably corrupt. Feste’s song at the close of Twelfth Night gives touching expression to such sentiments, as he sends us from the theatre with the melancholy refrain, ‘the rain it raineth every day' (5. 1. 3 91). We are not expected to take him too seriously, but we cannot avoid the realization that even the life of a jester may be a sad one.The mature comedies thus further a blending of comedy and tragedy. 8. In the end, however, all of Shakespeare's comedies, including the later problem plays and romances, are driven by love. Love in Shakespearean comedy is stronger than the inertia of custom, the power of evil, or the fortunes of chance and time. In all of these plays but one (Troilus and Cressida), the obstacles presented to love are triumphantly overcome, as conflicts are resolved and errors forgiven in a general aura of reconciliation and marital bliss at the play's close.Such intransigent characters as Shylock, Malvolio, and Don John, who choose not to act out of love, cannot be accommodated in this scheme, and they are carefully isolated from the action before the climax. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9. In their resolutions Shakespeare's comedies resemble the medieval Morality Pl ay, which centeres on a sinful human who receives God's mercy. In these secular works, a human authority figure—Don Pedro or Duke Senior, for instance—is symbolically divine, the opponents of love are the representatives of sin, and all of the participants in the closing vignette partake of the play's love and forgiveness.Moreover, the context of marriage—at least alluded to at the close of all but Troilus and Cressida—is the cap-stone of the comedic solution, for these plays not only delight and entertain, they affirm, guaranteeing the future. Marriage, with its promise of offspring, reinvigorates society and transcends the purely personal element in sexual attraction and romantic love. Tragedy's focus on the individual makes death the central fact of life, but comedy, with its insistence on the ongoing process of love and sex and birth, confirms our awareness that life transcends the individual. 10.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


How is the IKEA operations design different from that of most furniture retail operations? IKEA is known as one of the world’s largest furniture retailer that focuses highly on cost control, operational process and product development. IKEA differentiates itself from most furniture retailers by offering a wide range of well designed array of home furniture at very attractive prices that remain affordable to a large group of diverse customers. There are some unique features of IKEA as compared to most furniture retail stores (IKEA, 2012) Self – Service’ (minimal service or influence from sales person) Details of all products are made ubiquitous in the showroom thus making sales assistance unnecessary which this in return helps to reduce the hiring cost of labor. Layout of Products (product exposure) Ikea stores are designed in a one-way ‘walk-through layout’ that requires customers to be exposed to the entire products which is unlike from most furnitu re retail stores where by customers may choose to go directly to the section they preferred.Hence, the flow allows increased efficiency from entering the showroom, selecting of products to lastly making payments. Furniture Most of Ikea products are self – assembled products, this helps to reduce the costs of shipping as higher volume of bulk packaging can be done. Unlike most furniture retail stores where free delivery and assembly is given, additional charges apply if fixing of product is required by the customers. Lastly, four dimensions of operations (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) will be used to determine the differences between IKEA operations to that of most furniture retail stores.High Volume – IKEA’s operations are of very large scale, major land space and huge car parks are developed to cater to all customers, everything about the design of IKEA’s operations encourages high volume of throughput as compared to most furniture retail st ores (IKEA, 2012). High Variety of product but Low Variety of service – The variety of products showcase in IKEA is much more than most furniture retail stores, from small items such as kitchen appliances to large items such as tables.However, as far as the variety of service is concerned it is relatively narrow. Most products are self – assembled and there is no sales person to provide any service to the customers, leaving themselves to figure out and make their own decision for the purchase. High Variation on demand – Public holidays and weekends usually attracts more crowded as compared to normal week days, hence result in high variation.However, there will not be any difficulty of getting part-time staff into IKEA during the peak period as the operations in IKEA are well designed. Unlike most retail store which require staff with specific expertise that requires time to hire. Low Visibility – Customer contact is high in certain extend, but overall it is lower than most furniture retail stores considering most of the things are done (‘self-service’) solely by the customers from the start till it reaches the point of payment where it is also a standardized process by IKEA.This ultimately reduces the costs of the transaction as far as IKEA is concerned. What do you think might be the major problems in running an operation like IKEA? Having such huge variety and high volume of product being transacted, it may be tough for them to manage the inventory for all items. Shipping of high volume bulk items may take time and IKEA may face stock-out period, hence their operations planning has to be done and calculated accurately.As all sales are done on ‘self-serviced’ manner, it may not create a great shopping experience as compared to most retail stores where sales person are able to cater a more specific and unique first-hand experience to all customers to create loyalty. Lastly, IKEA being the largest furniture retailer require a lot of natural material such as wood, which may harm the global environment (IKEA, 2012). Reference IKEA (2012) Our Vision and Business Idea. Available at: http://www. ikea. com/ms/en_SG/about_ikea/the_ikea_way/our_business_idea/index. html (Accessed 29 January 2013)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Minority Executives Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron

The Minority Executives Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron Introduction Randolph W. Cameron is an author, and former management associate in New York’s Avon distribution centre in Rye. He has also served as the director of inner city market development in the company’s New York head office. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Minority Executives’ Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He has also served as the vice president of D. Parke Gibson Associates, Inc, which is one of America’s first black marketing and communications consulting firm. He later on became the owner of Cameron Enterprises, a management consulting firm in New York. In this book, he expresses his own thoughts and aspirations of mentoring minority leaders in the business world, especially ‘black’ executives. Author Cameron glances at the 1980s business events, which has concurrently represented some bad and good times for blacks, in the n ew corporate America. Such good times can be marked by the achievement of Barry Rand, who was the president of Xerox’s U.S. Marketing Group, while the bad times during this period was signified by a stock market crash that mostly led to black managers feeling the axe of being downsized from various corporations around America. From this context, the Minority Executives’ Handbook becomes quite significant. Book Review In this book, Cameron describes the scene in corporate environment, which is mainly characterized by the corporate attitude, punctuality, personal presentation, personal grooming, career planning, and the unbridled politicking. He also emphasizes on having the right look for business and implores on black men to confine their facial hair to the more traditional mustache and nothing less short of that until they climb the corporate ladder and get into ‘real’ management. By having and owning a corporate image, it creates a perception of knowl edge and reliability, which will relatively matter both inside and outside the corporate. In his own view, author Cameron observes that every corporate has an exceptional way of doing business, which later defines the overall corporate culture. Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He also confers in his sentiments, that black individuals who have aspirations in the business world, should first acquaint themselves on how information is passed informally while also being part of the relevant ‘office grapevines’. Although such office grapevines may help in keeping one a notch higher with significant information, Cameron however, cautions for a complete distinction from the mundane office gossip (Cameron, 1997). Through case studies, Cameron enlightens the readers on the vivid picture of racism in the corporate world while also providing a check list, which describes a manager’s challenge in setting up an appropriate ambiance where people can realistically encourage themselves in utmost confidence. Such conditions set up a tone for corporate business since managers find it hard to motivate workers. From Cameron’s perspective, a good number of young black managers usually step into the business arena with a ‘sizzling fire’ to impact the business world only to be smothered by the veterans. In chapter three of this book, new minority managers are highly implored on self presentation, which is a fair perception than ones likeability. Cameron stresses need to maintain self identity due to the lily-white corporate scenery, which may occasionally rip through a young black manager’s background and leave them in a contradictory dilemma. Through case studies, Cameron explores such unfortunate scenarios and this exemplifies his flamboyant managerial experience in the corporate communications business field (Cam eron, 1997). Mentoring and networking is vividly explored in the fourth chapter of this book with a major emphasis on diplomacy, personality engagement, tidy appearance, good memory, high energy and articulateness, which is generally characterized by good networkers. Therefore, these elements will help in establishing inside and outside network of leads, which better positions the minority managers to have a superior understanding of competing in the market place. Someone who has a high level of willingness to display some degree of dedication to a career confirms Cameron’s definition of mentorship. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Minority Executives’ Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He also suggests some question and answers on picking, choosing and being a relevant mentor (Cameron, 1997). He also adds that a good mentor is someone who will alert you to opportuni ties you would not be acquainted with on normal occasions. In this regard, Cameron suggests to minority managers to set up advance appointments with senior managers for the purpose of opening early channels for such opportunities when they arise. By seeking and volunteering in various corporate projects, Cameron sees it as a good opportunity for the minority managers because it will put them in a better light and intently wipe out the past stigmas associated with them. He also illustrates how to save money for future ownership of business. The book closes from a networking guide to trade publications and groups point of view. Conclusion From Cameron’s book, I do observe his assertion that blacks are not as successful as whites in the business world due to the lack of inspiration. This bearing is quite contradictory in itself because to succeed in corporate America, there has to be a tremendous inspirational determination. All minorities aspiring to shift on the new executive positions that arises must learn and know the written and unwritten rules that govern the corporate world since new employees are selected due to their expertise and ability to fit and judge the prevailing business environment. This will therefore discourage employers from seeking ‘’their own kind’’ to indemnify acceptance of authority, loyalty and any other pattern of behavior that may lead to conformity. African-Americans’ physical traits may differ them from the mainstream business executive but through assimilation, it may compromise for their integrity and credibility among their fellow employees and ultimately to their own selves. Reference Cameron, R. (1997). The Minority Executives Handbook. New York. Amistad Publishing. ISBN-156743021X, 9781567430219.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Cover LEtter

Essay on Cover LEtter Essay on Cover LEtter â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† and Cocked and Locked† â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† by Gasson Kanafani and â€Å"Cocked and Locked† by Etgar Keret are two stories that include interactions between Palestinian and Israeli people. â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† and â€Å"Cocked and Locked† both have similarities in themes such as military presence, revenge, and treatment of Israelis and Palestinians but also the basic aspects of the stories are different from one another. In each of these stories we see mistreatment coming from both the Israelis and the Palestinians. In â€Å"Cocked and Locked† we read about a Palestinian man hurling insults at an Israeli solider who is undeserving of the unfiltered content that is coming from the Palestinians mouth. There was no reason to provoke a verbal altercation. This Palestinian man also injured Meyer’s friend Abutbul, who will never regain consciousness again. â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† portrays the same mistreatment but this time coming from the Israeli soldi ers to the Palestinian civilians. The Israeli soldiers have no respect or moral conscience when it comes to their interactions with the people. Innocent Palestinian lives were taken by the Israeli soldiers, which were completely unwarranted. A similarity between these two stories is the blatant mistreatment of both groups coming from one to the other. While each story may not have involved the same actions, their motives for treating the people badly were the same: hatred between each race. The mistreatment between each people group is different in each story. In â€Å"Cocked and Locked† we see the mistreatment starting from the Palestinian man who is throwing insults at the solider on two different occasions. The first instance with the Palestinian man is in the beginning of the story. The man is trying to antagonize the Meyer by making sexual assumptions about the soldier’s relationship with his commanding general. He also goes onto say how he had sexual intercourse with the soldier’s mother, sister, and his friend Abutbul. The mistreatment coming form the Palestinian man is emotional and verbal abuse compared to the mistreatment in â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† which was physical abuse. The physical abuse that took place in â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† is coming from the Israeli soldiers towards the Palestinian people, which consisted of the shooting of Abu Uthman’s daughter and wife. Both of these deaths were unwarranted and quite frankly did not need to happen. These two instances show the mistreatment of both the Israelis and the Palestinians. In both situations the military presence played a role in the abuse towards both parties. â€Å"Cocked and Locked† and â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† have a military presence that is present and overpowering in each story. In â€Å"Cocked and Locked† we see a military authority from Meyer. After the civilian has badgered him, he aims and sets his gun directly at the m an until he interrupted and ordered to stand down by his commanding general. In this instance, the military presence is being used to defuse the situation by the commanding general. The commanding general, Eli, explains how they cannot use their military force because they would become the same as their enemy. Eli states, â€Å"But if I did that, I’d be just like them† (pg 172). This is a clear picture that these military officers are not going to use their military power for their selfish gain or to make a point against the Palestinians. Comparing this to the military presence in â€Å"Paper from Ramleh†, it is a difference that results in the loss of many lives. The military officers in â€Å"Paper from Ramleh† use their military presence to bring harm upon the Palestinian people. After the shooting of Fatima, her mother was so distraught she could not stop crying. She was ordered to stop crying and when she didn’t she was beaten and shot by one of the soldiers (pg 39). The military presence in this story was as open minded to the idea of bringing peace as Eli was in â€Å"Cocked and Locked†. The last piece that

Sunday, October 20, 2019

35 Flower Meanings You Must Get Right The Language of Flowers

35 Flower Meanings You Must Get Right The Language of Flowers SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Most everyone knows that the rose is associated with love. But did you know that the marigold represents grief, pansies represent thoughtful remembrance, and the sweet pea symbolizes lasting pleasure? There’s an entire language of flowers, in which different blooms carry different meanings. So if you're selecting flowers for a particular occasion, it’s useful to know more about flower meanings and symbolism. Bouquets and blooms are frequently involved in events like graduations, performances, funerals, anniversaries, and perhaps most notably, weddings. What floral choices are the most appropriate or meaningful for what occasions? In this article, we’ll provide a brief introduction to the concept of flower meanings. Then we’ll give a guide to flower symbolism for thirty-five popular flowers. We’ll also discuss their cost, seasonal availability, and what flowers may be most appropriate for a particular event or circumstance. We’ll close out with a handy index so you can find flowers by price, season, birthday month, and anniversary year. Table of Contents The Language of Flowers: An Introduction A Note On Price Flower Meanings A-E Flower Meanings F-K Flower Meanings L-Q Flower Meanings R-Z Index The Language of Flowers: An Introduction The concept of a symbolic flower language has existed since ancient times in various cultures throughout the world. However, the significance of flower meanings peaked in the Western world during the Victorian era. The practice of sending coded bouquets was supposedly inspired by an elaborate Turkish custom that involved members of harems sending secret messages to each other through objects. It’s hard to say exactly how much truth there is to this backstory, but flower language took Victorian England- and the rest of Europe- by storm. The first Western flower dictionary was written by Frenchwoman Charlotte de Latour in 1819 and called â€Å"le language des fleurs.† (That’s â€Å"The Language of Flowers,† for those of you who don’t speak French.) It was a runaway success and spawned countless copycats, translations, new editions, and so on. Flower dictionary authors grabbed the meaning of flowers from myth, legend, other cultures, religion, the emblems of royal houses and lineages, each other, and so on. As you might imagine, this meant that different flower dictionaries could posit very different ideas of what the same flower meant based on whatever source material the author consulted. Thus, the answer to the question â€Å"What do flowers symbolize?† is not as simple as people might imagine. This is because different cultures and sources can have wildly different flower meanings! In this guide, we’ve presented major interpretive discrepancies in the language of flowers where they exist and provided guidance as to how to navigate these discrepancies. Furthermore, the same flowers can have different meanings based on their colors! Some colors are fairly consistent across flowers. For example, most guides have yellow flowers meaning friendship and cheer. Similarly, most sources have purple flowers meaning royalty. We will give guidance to different colors in the entries for given flowers where needed. With our help, you can get a grasp on flowers and what they mean. We’ll equip you to send meaningful, heartfelt bouquets with extra-special significance. A Note on Price Before the Flower Dictionary In this article, I’ve used $ signs to indicate price instead of giving a more specific number. It can be hard to know the exact price of flowers per stem due to availability and variability. Here’s the key: $ = 3 dollars per stem $$ = 3-8 dollars per stem $$$ = 8+ dollars per stem It’s also worth considering that you aren’t just paying for flower rarity, but size. Baby’s breath may be cheap on a per-stem basis, but you’ll need lots of it to fill out a bouquet or arrangement. By contrast, you may only need a few stems of the more expensive hydrangea because the blooms are so profuse. Flower Meanings A-E Note that flowers are called by their common name as opposed to their scientific one. (These are sometimes, but not always, the same.) Alstroemeria Genus: Alstroemeria Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: Most colors except true blues About This Flower: Also known as the Peruvian Lily or the lily of the Incas, alstroemeria is native to South America. It’s a popular bouquet flower that can last up to two weeks when cut. Resembling a miniature lily, the alstroemeria comes in a rainbow of colors. While not as toxic as typical lilies (which can be deadly to pets and even people), alstroemeria can make cats and dogs sick, so this flower may not be the best choice for a pet owner! Symbolism: The alstroemeria represents devoted friendship. Furthermore, it represents wealth and prosperity. Appropriate Occasions: A bouquet of these blooms is a great choice to express true friendship or to congratulate someone for a new promotion or job opportunity. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Aster Genus: Aster Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round; fall peak Colors: Pink, white, purple, and blue About This Flower: From the Greek and Latin words for â€Å"star,† this little flower is another popular choice in floral arrangements. Symbolism: Also known as the â€Å"herb of Venus,† this plant has long been thought to have magical and healing powers. Ancient Greek legend says the goddess Astraea looked down on earth from the sky and wept when she saw that there were no stars on earth. Her tears became the Aster flower. This flower represents daintiness, elegance, and small beginnings in the language of flowers. It’s also a love talisman. Appropriate Occasions: Aster is a solid component of a romantic bouquet, or to celebrate any new beginning. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The Aster is the birth month flower for September and the 20th wedding anniversary flower. Baby’s Breath Genus: Gypsophila Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Summer, fall Colors: White, pink (much less common) About This Flower: The summer-blooming baby’s breath is a popular â€Å"filler† flower in bouquets and arrangements. Baby’s breath is a fairly budget-friendly flower and frequently used as an accent flower in rose bouquets. Symbolism: This delicate spray of typically white blooms symbolizes purity and innocence as well as everlasting love. And, of course, it’s a symbol of babies- especially newborns! Appropriate Occasions: It’s a good choice as a component of any romantic bouquet, and a great choice for a flower girl or bridesmaid. Baby’s breath is sometimes sent to new parents. Lastly, it’s frequently used in funeral arrangements, where its symbolic meanings of innocence and everlasting love have particular poignancy. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Bird of Paradise Genus: Strelitzia Cost Range (Per Stem): $$ Colors: Orange and blue combination Seasonal Availability: Winter, spring (tropical climates) About This Flower: The exotic and striking Bird of Paradise is named for the tropical bird that it resembles. This bloom is native to South Africa. As the Bird of Paradise thrives in heat and humidity, they can be somewhat expensive outside of those climes, but are frequently grown as houseplants in hospitable climates. Note that this flower is poisonous to pets. Symbolism: This showy flower signifies the wonderfully unexpected, magnificence, paradise, royalty, and joyfulness. Appropriate Occasions: As an exuberant and opulent flower, it’s a good choice to commemorate a happy occasion with anyone who has bold and unconventional tastes. Birthdays and Anniversaries: This bright flower is traditionally associated with the ninth wedding anniversary. Carnations Species: Dianthus caryophyllus Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: Most colors except blue About This Flower: The carnation, or dianthus, is an extremely popular and affordable bouquet flower that can last up to three weeks when cut. It’s thought to be native to the Mediterranean region. Symbolism: In general, the carnation is associated with love and marriage. Betrothed couples were often depicted holding a carnation in Renaissance-era paintings. However, carnations can communicate very different messages based on their color. A red carnation has a meaning of intense love and admiration. White carnations signify pure love and innocence. The pink carnation is a symbol of mother’s day. Christian legend holds that the pink carnation sprang from the tears of Mary as she walked to the cross. Additionally, the pink carnation communicates gratitude. Purple carnations symbolize whimsy and capriciousness. In France, they are the traditional flower of condolence after someone has lost a loved one. Not all carnations have positive meanings in the language of flowers. The yellow carnation communicates rejection. (But if you send a bouquet of yellow carnations to a significant other, you might still want to break up with them verbally.) Striped signifies a refusal, especially a refusal of someone’s romantic advances. (But again, you probably still need to communicate with words. It’s not the Victorian era anymore!) Appropriate Occasions: The best occasion for carnations depends a lot on their color. Red carnations are good for a romantic bouquet, especially mixed with white carnations. White carnations are a good choice for weddings. Pink carnations are an excellent mother’s day gift. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The carnation is the birth flower for January and the first wedding anniversary flower. Cherry Blossoms Subgenus: Prunus Cerasus Cost Range (Per Stem): n/a; not generally purchased for bouquets Seasonal Availability: Spring Colors: White and pink About This Flower: The fragile, flowering blooms of the cherry tree don’t often appear in bouquets. They briefly bloom in gorgeous profusion in the early spring, only to fade and fall several weeks later. Symbolism: The brief life of cherry blossoms makes them a symbol of the bittersweet beauty of the impermanent and transient. In China, cherry blossoms are a symbol of a good education and the flower of April. In Japan, cherry blossoms represent wealth and prosperity. They are also the flower of March and the national flower of Japan. Appropriate Occasions: You likely won’t be sending anyone cherry blossoms in a bouquet, but a cherry blossom motif will communicate a meaning that you are aware of a poignant sweetness that may not last. Birthdays and anniversaries: N/A Chrysanthemum Genus: Chrysanthemum Cost Range (Per Stem): $-$$ Seasonal Availability: Year-round; late summer/fall peak Colors: Various About This Flower: The chrysanthemum (or mum) originated in China, and typically blooms in the fall. Symbolism: In China, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of autumn. In many countries the chrysanthemum is a mourning flower and primarily used for funerals. In the United States, however, it symbolizes hope in dark times and optimism and cheer. In Victorian times, white chrysanthemums symbolized truth. A wedding bouquet of white chrysanthemums represented the honest and faithful nature of the bride. Appropriate Occasions: The mum is a good choice to send to those in mourning. Additionally, it can be used for get-well-soon bouquets or sent to anyone who needs a lift. Finally, for a wedding bouquet with traditional significance, consider white mums. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The chrysanthemum is the November birthday flower and the thirteenth wedding anniversary flower. Daffodil Genus: Narcissus Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Winter, spring Colors: Yellow About This Flower: The perennial daffodil, which blooms in late winter and early spring, is a variety of the genus narcissus. It’s a popular bouquet flower. Be warned that the daffodil is poisonous to pets! Symbolism: In Victorian England, the daffodil represented chivalry. A cheerful early bloomer, the daffodil now symbolizes new beginnings and new life. As such, it’s become a flower emblematic of both Easter and the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. (The Annunciation is when Mary was informed by the angel Gabriel that she would bear Jesus, for those who aren’t as familiar with the Christian canon). In Wales, daffodils were traditionally placed on the graves of loved ones on Palm Sunday. Appropriate Occasions: The daffodil is appropriate to celebrate a new baby, a new job, or anything else new in life! Birthdays and Anniversaries: The daffodil is the birth flower for March and the tenth wedding anniversary flower. Dahlia Genus: Dahlia Cost Range (Per Stem): $-$$ Seasonal Availability: Summer, fall Colors: Various About This Flower: The bright dahlia is native to Mexico. Dahlias come in a huge variety of shapes and colors. Painter Frida Kahlo frequently wore the blooms in her hair. Symbolism: The dahlia is the national flower of Mexico. Because it is hard to cultivate successfully in Europe’s harsher climes, the Victorians believed it symbolized instability. However, it now carries a message of dignity and regality. Appropriate Occasions: The dahlia is a versatile flower appropriate for many occasions, including to express gratitude, best wishes, or admiration. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Daisy Genus: Bellis Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Spring, summer, fall Colors: White About This Flower: The classic, cheerful daisy is a well-loved flower. The name â€Å"Daisy† is thought to come from the Old English version of â€Å"day’s eye,† because the flowers open with the sunrise and close at night. Symbolism: The daisy symbolizes innocence, gentleness, and purity. The flower was associated with Aphrodite (and her Roman counterpart, Venus) in ancient times. However, the flower now most strongly signals a youthful, inexperienced innocence and purity. Appropriate Occasions: The daisy is an appropriate floral gift for girls and young women. It can be a charming flower to adorn flower girls at weddings. Birthdays and Anniversaries: They daisy is associated with April birthdays and fifth wedding anniversaries. Flower Meanings F-K Read on for flowers and meanings from F-K! Forget-Me-Not Genus: Mysotis Cost Range (Per Stem): Not commonly sold; consult with florist Seasonal Availability: Spring, summer Colors: Blue About This Flower: The little forget-me-not is a spring-blooming wildflower that naturally grows along riverbanks and streams. The forget-me-not is more likely to be grown in a garden or found in the wild than it is to appear in a typical store-bought bouquet. Symbolism: As you might imagine from its name, the â€Å"forget-me-not† symbolizes remembrance, particularly remembering a loved one when they are apart from you. There are several legends about how the forget-me-not got its name. One posits that a knight leaving on campaign crouched by the riverbank and picked some for his lady love, admonishing her not to forget him. A Christian legend supposes that when the Lord named all of the flowers, he reached the end of the plants. Then a little, overlooked flower said, â€Å"What about me?† And so the lord named it the â€Å"forget-me-not.† A German folktale holds that the flower got its name when a man bent down to pick the flowers from the riverbanks for his fiancee. He lost his footing and fell in. As the river carried him away, he threw the flowers to his love with a cry of â€Å"forget me not!† (The Germans can be a little morbid with their folktales.) Appropriate Occasions: Because of their message of faithful love, forget-me-nots are a perfect flower for spring weddings and romantic bouquets. Furthermore, because they symbolize remembrance, they are appropriate for funerals and for honoring the dead more generally. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Freesia Genus: Freesia Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: Various About This Flower: The beautiful, spring-blooming freesia is considered one of the most fragrant flowers out there. It’s known for its pleasant, citrusy smell. The freesia is a fairly popular bouquet flower that comes in a variety of colors. Symbolism: The freesia primarily signifies innocence, trust, and friendship. It can also signify a love that is careful and slow, as opposed to one that is rushed and passionate. Appropriate Occasions: While its meaning may not seem as explicitly romantic as some other flowers, it’s nonetheless a popular wedding flower. In addition to weddings, the freesia is a particularly appropriate gift to honor a close friendship. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The freesia is the traditional seventh wedding anniversary flower. Gardenia Genus: Gardenia Cost Range (Per Stem): $$-$$$ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: White and yellow About This Flower: The pale gardenia, part of the coffee family, blooms on small evergreen trees and shrubs in warm climates. Because they come from a shrub, gardenias are not particularly common in store-bought bouquets. On a cut branch, gardenias can last multiple weeks. Otherwise, the cut blooms last only a few days. Symbolism: In the Chinese tradition, these beautiful flowers are a paean to feminine elegance and creativity. Similarly, in the Western canon, the gardenia signifies refinement and loveliness. They can indicate a secret love. In the American South, where gardenias are common, they have a particular connection to Southern hospitality. Appropriate Occasions: Gardenias can be a beautiful and unusual wedding flower, although the cut flower will need to be affixed to artificial stems by a florist so that they can be included in a bouquet. Otherwise, you may not have much occasion to gift gardenia blooms unless you give a plant wholesale- only a good idea if you know the recipient likes to garden! Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Gerbera Daisy Genus: Gerbera Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: Every color but blue and green About This Flower: The gerbera daisy (also known as the African or Transvaal daisy) is a bright and cheerful flower that blooms in a huge variety of bright colors. Because they are hardy and last well over a week when cut, they are a common bouquet flower at all times of the year. They are readily available for purchase and fairly affordable. Symbolism: The gerbera daisy symbolizes cheerfulness, joy, and innocence. Appropriate Occasions: The gerbera daisy is a great flower for anyone who needs a pick-me-up. Additionally, gerberas are appropriate to celebrate an accomplishment like a new job, graduation, or housewarming. Birthdays and Anniversaries: As the Gerbera is a daisy type, it’s appropriate for April birthdays. Gladiolus Genus: Gladiolus Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round, summer peak Colors: Various About This Flower: Native to South Africa, the summer-blooming gladiolus is another popular cutting and bouquet flower. Be aware that the gladiolus is poisonous to pets. Symbolism: Some think that the flower, also known as the â€Å"sword lily,† may be the â€Å"lily of the field† to which Jesus referred in Matthew 6:28. With its bladelike sheaf of blooms, the gladiolus indicated to the Victorians that the receiver had pierced the sender’s heart. Now the flower symbolizes grace, fidelity, honor, and a strong character. Appropriate Occasions: Gladiolus is an excellent flower to express admiration- romantic or otherwise. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The gladiolus is an August birthday flower and the 40th wedding anniversary flower. Hyacinth Genus: Hyacinthus Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Winter, spring Colors: Purple, blue, white About This Flower: The beautiful hyacinth blooms in the late winter and spring. The bulbs are highly poisonous to pets, so if you have a dog who likes to dig, you may not want to plant this in your garden! Symbolism: Hyacinth symbolizes young love. In 19th-century France, the flower communicated a kind of desperate, all-consuming love; the English connotation was more flirtatious and playful. The hyacinth gets its name from a Greek myth. Hyacinth was the young lover of Apollo, but Zephyr also admired Hyacinth. In his jealousy, he caused Apollo’s discus to strike Hyacinth, killing him. Grief-stricken, Apollo transformed Hyacinth’s spilled blood into the hyacinth flower. As such, the hyacinth was dedicated to Apollo. In Victorian parlance, the different hyacinth colors had different connotations. Blue signified constancy, purple asked for forgiveness, and white symbolized beauty. Appropriate Occasions: As a symbol of young love, hyacinths are particularly well-suited for a romantic spring bouquet or spring wedding. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Hydrangea Genus: Hydrangea Cost Range (Per Stem): $$-$$$ Seasonal Availability: Summer, fall Colors: Blue, purple, pink, green, white About This Flower: Hydrangeas have a long blooming season, beginning in early spring and stretching out to late autumn. They bloom on shrubs or climbing vines. Interestingly, the color of hydrangea blooms is based on soil pH. If you wish to give someone hydrangea flowers, you can get them in a cut bouquet or give hydrangea as a houseplant. Note that this plant is poisonous to pets. Symbolism: To the Victorians, the profusely blooming hydrangea signified boastfulness, because its magnificent blooms don’t lead to fruit. Today, the hydrangea has a somewhat contradictory meaning. Some hold that it symbolizes emotional coldness, while others purport that it signifies gratitude. But the ambiguity (and general lack of romantic symbolism) hasn’t stopped the hydrangea from being included in many weddings! Appropriate Occasions: In general, most people who receive flowers associate them with positive meanings. So you can safely gift hydrangea as a thank-you flower without worrying that you’ll be giving an insult! Birthdays and Anniversaries: Hydrangea is the fourth wedding anniversary flower. Iris Genus: Iris Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round; spring peak Colors: Various About This Flower: The vibrant, multicolored iris is very popular in both gardens and bouquets. Depending on the specific species, garden irises bloom from the spring to the late fall. Some varieties bloom multiple times in a season. With its many varieties and long blooming season, the iris is readily available and affordable as a bouquet flower. Like several other flowers flagged in this list, the iris is poisonous to pets. Symbolism: This flower is named after the Greek messenger goddess, whose emblem was the rainbow. Because of its association with this goddess, the iris flower symbolizes a message, particularly one of hope or of mourning. It’s also associated with eloquence, faith, courage, and wisdom. In medieval iconography, the iris was associated with the Annunciation. (The iris represented the message from the angel Gabriel that Mary was to be the mother of Jesus). A stylized version of the iris became the fleur-de-lis, the emblem of French royalty. Appropriate Occasions: The iris is a good choice to someone who has just completed an important speaking engagement. You can also send the iris as a message of courage in difficult times. Furthermore, with its message of hope and faith, the iris is a common funeral and mourning flower. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The iris is the birth flower of February and the 25th wedding anniversary flower. Flower Meanings L-Q Flowers L-Q covered in the following section! Lilac Genus: Syringa Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Spring, summer Colors: Purple, Pink, Blue, White, Yellow About This Flower: Blooming at the end of spring and early summer, the lilac shrub is a prized for its fragrant, delicate flowers. People once believed its strong smell could ward off the Black Death! While lilacs are not very common bouquet flowers, perhaps due to their short season, they are found in many cutting gardens. (A cutting garden is a household garden that is maintained for the purpose of being able to cut home-grown bouquets.) Symbolism: To the Victorians, this flower represented the first emotions of love. This symbolism still holds today, as the lilac represents the early blush of love and the beginning of summer. Some say that the lilac also represents the bittersweet sadness of new lovers when they are forced to part for even a moment. Appropriate Occasions: If you are lucky enough to have access to lilacs for cutting, a bouquet of fresh-cut lilac is a stunning gift for a new paramour- or anyone else who loves the sweet and soothing smell of lilac. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The lilac is the eighth wedding anniversary flower. Lily Genus: Lilium Cost Range (Per Stem): $$-$$$ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: Various About This Flower: Few flowers are more popular or have more cultural significance than the lily. The lilium genus has incredible variation in color and notably sizable blooms. But the lily is extremely poisonous to cats and can be deadly! Symbolism: The lily has been a sacred flower since ancient times. Hence, lily flower meaning is a dense topic. In the ancient near east it was associated with Ishtar, the goddess of love and fertility. In Greece the lily was a symbol of Hera; in Rome, a symbol of Venus. In Semitic legend, the lily sprang from the tears of Eve when she was cast out of the Garden of Eden. As Christianity overtook older traditions, the lily came to be associated with the Virgin Mary. This held particularly true of the white lily, also called the Madonna lily. The white lily has also come to symbolize Easter and the resurrection of Christ within the Christian tradition. In the Victorian era, it was the highest flattery to compare a woman to the Virgin Mary. As such, comparing a woman to a lily, Mary’s emblem, was to pay her high honor indeed. The white lily symbolized purity, chastity, innocence, and modesty. While the connotations of purity still persist somewhat, lilies have also come to signify perfection, majesty, and excellence. Appropriate Occasions: It is a high compliment to gift someone lilies; many consider lilies to be an incredibly romantic flower. Lilies are frequently used in weddings. However, because of its connection with the resurrection of Christ, the lily is also often used in funerals and sent in sympathy bouquets in Western countries. Overall, lilies are a versatile flower; when sending flowers is appropriate, it’s hard to go wrong with a lily bouquet. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The lily is the birth flower for May and the 30th wedding anniversary flower. The calla lily (not a true lily, though many think it is) is the sixth wedding anniversary flower. Lily of the Valley Species: Convallaria majalis Cost Range (Per Stem): $$ Seasonal Availability: Year-round, spring peak Colors: White About This Flower: The perennial lily of the valley is the true lily’s humbler wildflower cousin. It blooms in late spring, and smells sweet but is highly poisonous- so don’t eat it! It’s not a true lily, the lily of the valley is still poisonous to pets. It’s not a particularly common cutting flower in your average bouquet. Symbolism: This flower is the emblem of the Norse goddess of the dawn, Ostara. In Christian lore, the lily of the valley sprang from the tears of Mary as she wept at the cross. This flower is also a symbol of May Day in France. The lily of the valley represents purity, sweetness, and a renewal of happiness. Appropriate Occasions: Lily of the valley is a popular choice for bridal bouquets and decorations for spring weddings. Furthermore, it’s a good choice to celebrate a birth, a baptism, or any other joyful event or rite of passage. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The lily of the valley the second wedding anniversary flower. Marigold Genus: Calendula Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Year-round, summer and fall peak Colors: Yellow, orange About This Flower: Brightly colored marigolds bloom all summer, lasting until the ground frosts over. The marigold is poisonous to cats. Symbolism: While they may look cheerful, marigolds actually represent grief and sadness in the language of flowers. Appropriate Occasions: Marigold is best suited to funeral and condolence bouquets. You can temper the message of sadness with other blooms, perhaps baby’s breath (everlasting love) or or rosemary (remembrance). Birthdays and Anniversaries: The warm-toned marigold is one of the October birthday flowers. Narcissus Genus: Narcissus Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Winter, spring Colors: White, white and yellow, yellow, orange, and pink About This Flower: Narcissus flowers bloom early, in late winter and early spring. The most famous variety of the narcissus genus is the cheerful daffodil, but the flower also comes in other colors. Symbolism: Narcissus actually has a fairly negative connotation in the language of flowers. They symbolize narcissism and egotism. Greek legend holds that the narcissus flower was created when a young man named Narcissus was so besotted with the sight of his own reflection in a pond that knelt down there for days until he eventually turned into the beautiful flower that bears his name. An exception to this negative connotation is the cherry yellow daffodil, which is a type of narcissus with its own positive meaning. Appropriate Occasions: It’s true that most people don't associate a bouquet of flowers with an insult, no matter how subtle. Narcissus flowers really aren’t the best choice for a symbolic, meaningful bouquet, unless you’re sending daffodils or a December birthday bouquet. Birthdays and Anniversaries: Narcissus is a December birthday flower. Orange Blossom Species: Citrus Sinensis Cost Range (Per Stem): Not a typical bouquet flower; discuss with a florist Seasonal Availability: Spring Colors: White About This Flower: When the orange tree blooms- usually in April- it bears beautiful, fragrant white flowers. Orange blossom fragrance is a key element of many perfumes, and orange blossom water is an element in French and Middle Eastern cooking. Orange blossom honey has a citrus flavor and is one of the best-loved honey varieties. Symbolism: The orange blossom is closely associated with weddings in many cultures. The flowers are often used in bridal headpieces and bouquets. It’s said that the crusaders brought the practice back to Europe from the Middle East, where the Saracen brides wore the blossoms as a symbol of fecundity. In Victorian England they came to signify a bride’s purity. In Japan, orange blossoms symbolize chastity and eternal love. The blossoms have remained symbolic of a fruitful marriage, loveliness, and innocence. Appropriate Occasions: For wedding flowers that are steeped in tradition, orange blossoms are a lovely option. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Orchid Family: Orchidaceae Cost Range (Per Stem): $$-$$$ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: Various About This Flower: The tropical orchid family is among the most prized and exquisite of flowers. There are over 28,000 orchid species, displaying an astonishing variety of color, shape, size, and scent. Vanilla comes from the vanilla orchid. Many orchid varieties are used to scent perfume. The cultivation and collection of orchids in greenhouses became such a popular pastime in Victorian-era England that the term â€Å"orchidelirium† was termed for the frenzy. Orchid are expensive and delicate flower. Symbolism: The orchid symbolizes the exotic, the ecstatic, and the luxurious. Its flower meaning also relates to mature elegance, beauty, and refinement. Appropriate Occasions: If money’s no object, orchids can be a beautiful wedding flower. For gifts, it is more common to give an orchid as a potted houseplant than as part of a bouquet. It’s a very romantic flower that sends the message that the receiver is highly prized. However, only give a potted plant as a gift if you know the recipient will actually enjoy taking care of the orchid! Birthdays and Anniversaries: The fourteenth wedding anniversary is typically associated with the orchid. Pansy Species: Viola Tricolor Cost Range (Per Stem): Typically a garden flower; discuss with florist Seasonal Availability: Spring, fall Colors: Various color combinations About This Flower: The spring-blooming pansy is a type of multicolored violet, created by hybridizing several subspecies. Pansies are popular garden flowers but less common in arranged bouquets. Symbolism: It’s said that the pansy is named for the French word for thought (â€Å"pensà ©e†). The flower was thought to have telepathic magic such that if you picked one, you could hear your lover’s thoughts at that moment. To the Victorians, who loved the pansy, the flower symbolized a â€Å"woman’s heart† and its supposedly inherent qualities of sweetness and compassion. It was a popular gift between lovers and friends alike. Now, the pansy symbolizes thoughtful remembrance and asks the recipient to think of the giver. Appropriate Occasions: Though they aren’t common bouquet flowers, a potted pansy may be an appropriate gift for a friend or loved one- particularly before parting. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Poppy Subfamily: Papaveroideae Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Spring, summer About This Flower: The brightly colored poppy blooms in the late spring. The sap of the plant has a sedative effect and is used to make morphine, codeine, and opium. It can sedate pets. The poppy is not a typical bouquet flower and as such you may not have an easy time finding it at the florist. However, it is grown in cutting gardens and may be available from specialty or wholesale florists on request. Symbolism: Because of its sedative properties, the poppy has signified rest, sleep, dreams, and death since the time of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. The poem â€Å"In Flanders Fields,† written in 1915 by John McCrae about WWI, also popularized the poppy as a symbol to honor the wartime fallen. In Britain, poppies are worn on Remembrance Day, when veterans are honored. By contrast, in Chinese and Japanese traditions, the poppy means love, beauty, and success. Appropriate Occasions: Due to its association with death and rest, the poppy is an appropriate funeral flower. Because of its connection to imagination and dreams, it would also be an appropriate floral gift for someone engaged in creative endeavors. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Flower Meanings R-Z Flowers and meanings from R to the end of the alphabet follow. Rosemary Species: Rosmarinus officinalis Cost Range (Per Stem): Not typically sold for bouquets; consult with a florist. Seasonal Availability: Spring, summer Colors: Blue, purple, white, pink About This Flower: Native to the Mediterranean, rosemary isn’t just a delicious evergreen herb. It also has delicate flowers that emerge in spring and summer in temperate climates. Rosemary is a popular element in many soaps and perfumed products. Symbolism: Rosemary’s primary symbolic association is with remembrance. Rosemary is thought to be a natural remedy against memory loss and forgetfulness. In Hamlet Ophelia says, â€Å"there’s rosemary, for remembrance.† Rosemary symbolizes faithful love and devotion. In the medieval era it was associated with weddings and both the bride and groom often incorporated rosemary into their wedding ensembles. In the Victorian Era, it was common for mourners to toss rosemary into the grave to signify their enduring memory of the deceased. Appropriate Occasions: Rosemary is a thoughtful element to include in funeral flowers or a condolence bouquet. Additionally, rosemary serves as a symbol of devotion and fidelity in wedding bouquets- perhaps a sprig in the groom’s boutonniere as well. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Roses Genus: Rosa Cost Range (Per Stem): $-$$$ Seasonal Availability: Year-round Colors: Almost all except blue About This Flower: Roses are one of the most popular- if not the most popular- flowers for garden cultivation and professional floristry. With its lush spray of petals, sweet scent, and sharp thorns, the rose has inspired more myth, legend, poetry, and art than perhaps any other flower. There are species native to Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. They come in a rainbow of colors. There are climbing roses and shrub roses of all shapes and sizes. With so much variety betweens species, the blooming season can span from spring through fall. Roses are also used for perfumes and in teas and potpourris. Rose water is even sometimes deployed in cooking and baking. Symbolism: Roses are associated with love and romance in general and Valentine’s day in particular. In ancient Greece, the rose (especially the red rose) was associated with Aphrodite, goddess of love. In Rome it was associated with her counterpart, Venus. In the Christian era the rose came to be associated with the Virgin Mary- the white rose in particular. The rose has also been associated with secrecy and silence. In both the Roman and medieval eras, roses were sometimes rendered or literally hung from ceilings in council chambers and rooms where private proceedings took place. The phrase â€Å"sub rosa†- Latin for â€Å"under the rose†- signaled that what was discussed under the rose should remain secret. Roses were sometimes depicted on church confessionals to similarly signal that all would remain confidential. Roses have been used for crests, emblems, and decoration for millennia. Notable examples include the white rose of York, the red rose of Lancaster, and the red-and-white Tudor Rose. To the Victorians, the rose signified love, and the deeper the love, the deeper the color. White roses, then, would be appropriate for a very young woman. Red roses meant passionate love. Today, the rose is still primarily associated with love and beauty. Red roses in particular carry the signal of passion, desire, and romantic love. Appropriate Occasions: Roses are frequently deployed as wedding flowers, on prom corsages and boutonnieres, and generally for almost any occasion where flowers are appropriate. If you wish to send a truly unmistakable message of romantic love, red roses are an excellent choice. Red roses are also sometimes given to congratulate for a major accomplishment, particularly an artistic performance. Other rose colors carry their own meanings. White roses connote purity and are often used for funerals and weddings. Yellow roses send a message of platonic friendship- so don’t send those as a romantic gift! Pink roses signal affection and gratitude- the perfect thank-you. For more on rose color meanings, see our complete article. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The rose is one of the birth flowers for June, and the fifteenth wedding anniversary flower. Snapdragon Genus: Antirrhinum Cost Range (Per Stem): $-$$ Seasonal Availability: Spring, summer, fall Colors: Various About This Flower: The snapdragon is so named because the blooms are fancifully said to resemble a snapping dragon when the bloom is squeezed. These annual plants thrive in cooler temperatures and typically bloom in spring. Snapdragons are a common element in bouquets and are easily found even in the floral departments of supermarkets. Symbolism: In the Victorian era, these flowers were an invitation to impetuousness. Now, they carry a dual meaning. On one hand, they signify graciousness and strength because they thrive in rocky areas. On the other, they may also present the receiver with an accusation of deception. Appropriate Occasions: Most people take a floral gift as a compliment, so for the purposes of assembling a bouquet, you can focus on the positive message. With its message of graciousness and strength, the snapdragon is a versatile flower symbol. It’s appropriate to express admiration or gratitude. It would be a good choice to someone who is recovering from a long illness or other difficulty. Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Sunflower Genus: Helianthus Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Summer, fall Colors: Warm colors (yellows, reds, oranges) and sometimes white About This Flower: Most species of the summer-blooming sunflower are native to North America. As they are fairly hardy, sunflowers are a well-liked garden flower. They are readily available from commercial florists. Sunflowers are also cultivated commercially for their seeds and oil. Symbolism: Unsurprisingly, the sunflower is a symbol of the sun and its attributes: heat, power, and sustenance. To the Incans, the sunflower was a sacred symbol of their sun god. In China, the sunflower connotes longevity. Appropriate Occasions: Sunflowers are a good choice for any time you want to communicate warmth and cheer. They are particularly appropriate to mark a happy occasion! Birthdays and Anniversaries: The sunflower is also the third wedding anniversary flower. Sweet Pea Species: Lathyrus odoratus Cost Range (Per Stem): $ Seasonal Availability: Winter, spring Colors: Various About This Flower: The sweet pea is native to the Mediterranean, although it is now grown in many places. This climbing flower emits a sweet honeyed scent when it blooms. The natural blooming time is early spring, but could be almost any season depending on your climate. With its profusion of blooms, it’s a well-loved choice for cutting gardens, although it’s somewhat harder to find at the florists’. The sweet pea is mildly poisonous to pets. Symbolism: The sweet pea was a hugely popular flower during the Victorian era, when it symbolized lasting pleasure and easy luxury. It still symbolizes pleasure and bliss. Appropriate Occasions: The sweet pea makes a beautiful choice for a wedding bouquet or any romantic occasion. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The sweet pea is an April birth flower. Tulip Genus: Tulipa Cost Range (Per Stem): $-$$ Seasonal Availability: Winter, spring Colors: Various About This Flower: Originally native to the mountains and steppes of central Asia, the perennial tulip has become one of the most popular flowers worldwide for both gardens and commercial bouquets. They’ve become an almost universal symbol of spring. They come in nearly every color of the rainbow except true blue- including in a purple so dark it’s nearly black! Tulip bulbs are poisonous to pets. Symbolism: The tulip is a romantic flower, whose strongest symbolic associations are with love and creativity. Tulip flower meaning is also strongly influenced by flower color. In Persia, a red tulip in particular is a love declaration. The red of the petals represents the suitor on fire with love, and the black center is the suitor’s heart burned to coal by the strength and heat of their love. Other tulip colors have other connotations. Yellow tulips send a message of cheerfulness and joy. White tulips communicate either an apology or forgiveness. Pink tulips signal good wishes and affection- a less overtly romantic message than the red tulip. Purple tulips signify royalty. Appropriate Occasions: Different colors of tulip are appropriate for different occasions. Red tulips are ideal for a romantic springtime bouquet. Pink tulips make excellent bridesmaid bouquets or a congratulations gifts. Yellow tulips send a â€Å"congratulations† or â€Å"get well soon† message, while white tulips ask for or grant forgiveness. Purple tulips are for a truly unique and special person. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The tulip is the th wedding anniversary flower. Violet Genus: Viola Cost Range (Per Stem): Not typically sold as cut flowers; consult with florist. Seasonal Availability: Winter, spring Colors: Various About This Flower: The violet flowers in late winter and early spring. In spite of the name, not all violets are purple. There are also yellow, blue, white, and ivory varieties- some even multicolored! While they are not common in commercial bouquets, they are very popular garden flowers. The violet has long been valued for its edible and medicinal properties. The blooms and greens are edible. The Greeks and Romans brewed violet wine. Chefs sometimes us syrup made from violet blossoms to flavor desserts. Violet blossoms, often in tea form, are a natural laxative remedy. The flower is also used to scent some perfumes. Symbolism: The violet has symbolic significance as well. Per the Greeks, Persephone may have been picking violets when she was abducted by Hades and taken into the underworld. The violets became a symbol of Bonapartists in post-Napoleonic France. The violet flower meaning also relates to modesty and faithfulness. With its heart-shaped flowers, it's unsurprising that the violet also communicates a message of returned love. Appropriate Occasions: If you have some in your cutting garden, violets can make a beautiful gift to a loved one to communicate your love and fidelity. You could also try your hand at using violets in your cooking! Birthdays and Anniversaries: N/A Water Lily Family: Nymphaeaceae Cost Range (Per Stem): Not typically sold as cut flowers; consult with florist Seasonal Availability: Spring, summer, fall About This Flower: The aquatic water lily can flower from May to September, covering ponds and pools for the whole summer. They improve water quality. Unfortunately, the flowers don’t last very long out of the water- perhaps 12 hours. Symbolism: Also known as the lotus, the water lily had sacred significance in ancient Egypt, where it symbolized death and rebirth. In Buddhist tradition the lotus is a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual transcendence. In Hinduism, the lotus is a very significant symbol with many meanings. It signifies the heart, beauty, fertility, spiritual purity and growth, and prosperity. It’s also associated with many divinities. The god Brahma emerged from a lotus. The goddess Lakshmi is often depicted seated on a lotus. The water lily is the national flower of Bangladesh and also of Sri Lanka. Appropriate Occasions: Some brides do use water lilies in their bridal bouquets, though this is not particularly common. Overall it’s unlikely that you’ll be giving anyone water lilies in a bouquet. But if you’re landscaping your yard and you want to bring a symbol of beauty, rebirth, and spiritual peace to your pond, consider introducing water lilies. Birthdays and Anniversaries: The water lily is a birth flower for July. Flower Meanings Index Below find several charts with handy reference information to help you find the right flower quickly. We have charts for birth month flowers, anniversary flowers, flower seasonality, and flower cost. Birth Month Flowers Month Flower January Carnation February Iris March Daffodil April Daisy, Gerbera Daisy, Sweet Pea May Lily June Roses July Water Lily August Gladiolus September Aster October Marigold November Chrysanthemum December Narcissus Anniversary Flowers Anniversary Flower 1st Carnation 2nd Lily of the valley 3rd Sunflower 4th Hydrangea 5th Daisy 6th Calla Lily 7th Freesia 8th Lilac 9th Bird of Paradise 10th Daffodil th Tulip 12th Peony 13th Chrysanthemum 14th Orchid 15th Roses 20th Aster 25th Iris 30th Lily 40th Gladiolus 50th Yellow Roses Violets Flowers By Season Flowers will be listed by those that are available all year, and then by season. Available Year-Round Alstroemeria Aster (fall peak) Carnations (late summer/fall peak) Chrysanthemum Freesia Gardenia Gerbera daisy Gladiolus (summer peak) Iris (spring peak) Lily Lily of the Valley (spring peak) Marigold (summer/fall peak) Orchid Roses Winter Bird of Paradise (tropical climates) Daffodil Hyacinth Narcissus Sweet pea Tulip Violet Spring Bird of Paradise (tropical climates) Cherry Blossoms Daffodil Daisy Forget-me-not Hyacinth Lilac Narcissus Orange Blossoms Pansy Poppy Rosemary Snapdragon Sweet Pea Tulip Violet Water lily Summer Baby's breath Dahlia Daisy Forget-me-not Hydrangea Lilac Poppy Rosemary Snapdragon Sunflower Water lily Fall Baby's breath Dahlia Daisy Hydrangea Pansy Snapdragon Sunflower Water lily Flowers By Cost Remember, $ means 3 dollars per stem, $$ means 8 dollars per stem, and $$$ means 8+ dollars per stem! Lowest Cost: $ Alstromeria Aster Baby's breath Carnations Chrysanthemum Daffodil Daisy Freesia Gerbera daisy Gladiolus Hyacinth Iris Lilac Marigold Narcissus Poppy Sunflower Sweet pea Low Cost: $-$$ Dahlia Roses Snapdragon Tulip Medium Cost: $$ Bird of Paradise Lily of the Valley High Cost: $$-$$$ Gardenia Hydrangea Lily Orchid Roses

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Islam - Essay Example The five pillars of Islam are Shahada (the Islamic creed), Salah (the formal prayer), Zakat (giving some possessions to people in need), Saum (prohibition to eat and drink and have sexual relations from dawn to dusk during Ramadan holidays) and The Hajj (an obligatory travel to Mecca). The Holy Quran is, thus, more than a religious book – it is a philosophical work providing people with information as for how they should live to find peace with the outside world and their own souls. The cause of schism is conflict over the leadership of two groups of followers: followers of Abu (the father of the Prophets wife) and followers of Ali (the husband of Prophets daughter). The goal was to constrain the rising conflict among the various communities; its ultimate aim was to develop a national identity by reconciling divisive issues and establishing a minimum level of consensus as a prelude to full national integration. In their politics, Sunnis are more liberal while Shiites are conservative. The failure to unit was in the boundaries of the communities and the fact that they refused to use the religion as a platform to cooperate and develop crosscutting interests. The strength of religious loyalties and identities eclipsed the integrative potential

Friday, October 18, 2019

Do Only What You Feel Like Doing as a Today's Philosophy of Life Research Paper

Do Only What You Feel Like Doing as a Today's Philosophy of Life - Research Paper Example People seem to be so eager to have more, that they even forget about their own lives and concentrate primarily on satisfying their material needs. It's not only about ensuring a comfortable life anymore, but it's also about luxury we are talking now, and about making things so easy, by introducing technology everywhere, that we even forget that this means "easy" and we get to think it has always been the same. Men have always had this tendency towards exaggerating, mostly when it comes to getting rich or powerful and there have always been philosophers who noticed it. Plato was one of them. He insisted on the idea that man should be moderate, should balance his desires. Moderation doesn't mean repression, but it means that you shouldn't satisfy only one need, one desire, in the detriment of other needs. The philosopher convinced that virtue is all that is relevant for happiness, is also convinced that the soul is immortal and that it comes from a world different from the material wor ld where we live with our bodies. And in the Greek philosopher's view, we should cultivate virtue and reason rather than desires that belong to the material world. According to Plato, there are two possible ideas for man's life: one which means that the ultimate purpose of life is a pleasure and the other one according to which the purpose of life is that of Good. Everyone knows that our life here is not eternal, that at a certain point, sooner or later, at a younger or older age we are going to die. So our life here ends. And then comes the question: what happens after that? When it comes to a question like that, people's opinions differ.  Some think this is all, others consider that the end of this life means the beginning of a new life, of a life beyond our senses and beyond materiality.

Mesa Verde National Park Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mesa Verde National Park - Research Paper Example I had an opportunity to study various artifacts of the ancestral inhabitants of the area. The baskets that were used by the Pueblo Indians provided an insight into their daily lives. The baskets indicate a culture that was engaged in agriculture as the baskets were used to store grains. The weaving skills were also utilized in making mats, clothes and blankets which were used domestically. I studied various pottery items such as jars, bowls, and pots used by Ancestral Pueblo Indians (â€Å"Preserving the â€Å"Works of Man†). Pottery was an important economic activity for the inhabitants. Ceramic objects were used for cooking, holding food, and storing water. I took a walk in some farms and water control systems around Mesa Verde. I learned that the water control systems were used to divert water from streams and rivers to the farms. The systems were necessary for irrigation because of the low rainfall that was experienced in the area. In the farms, the Pueblo Indians cultiva ted such crops as beans and corn. The crops helped to supplement the diet of the inhabitants who were chiefly hunters and gatherers (Ortman, Glowacki and Varien 15-26). Over time, the Pueblo Indians domesticated various wild plants as they increased farming efforts and reduced hunting and gathering activities.     I had an opportunity to observe various awls and spikes that were used by Pueblo Indians in their hunting activities. The awls were made out of animal bones and the spikes were made from wood. The awls indicate a culture that relied on hunting.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparative study of Mergers and Acquisitions processes in France and Essay

Comparative study of Mergers and Acquisitions processes in France and in the United States - Essay Example Research results reveal that the M&A transactions are generally cheaper in France than in the US. According to Alkhafaji, by the above ruling it is meant that the financial assets that are used to execute the M&A transactions together with the duration that is required. The only situation that presents the US as being at par with France, as far as the number of person-days needed to execute M&A are concerned, is when there is seen to be a phase (9a) that portends the execution of the Dispute Without Formal Litigation. This is because the person-days are almost the same in France and US. As far as cost is concerned, M&A transactions in America are significantly of exorbitant cost than France. However, Phase 9(b) Dispute with Formal Litigation in France requires more asset input than in US. In this situation, the transaction cost in the US and in France remains equal. Similarly, economic pundits, such as Terrence, point out that there is a dearth of uniformity between the US and Franc e M&A as far as the results for step-time and satisfaction are concerned. The satisfaction for steps that begins with the exchanging of preliminary information during the drafting of ancillary documents is said to be also considerably the same between US and France. Sweet and Larsson observes that the France’s step (9b) Dispute with formal litigation also remains comparably the same to that of the US. However, it is pointed out that in the US, satisfaction remains higher as far as the Dispute without Formal Litigation is concerned.

Redbull case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Redbull case study - Essay Example Red Bull overall marketing strategy is a combination of both global and local strategies. Red Bull has devised a unique, innovative, viral marketing strategy which mainly targets consumers in need of energy boost, especially young adults, club-goers, college and university students and young urban professionals (Kotabe & Helsen, 2014). This local strategy has seen growth of sales locally in countries where it operates. On the other hand, the company has expanded its distribution channels in various countries all over the globe using a strategy that is in no way related to traditional marketing strategies. In the process of international market selection, demographic segmentation criteria would be most relevant segmentation criteria. Having devised this approach in its market orientation, where its target group was those consumers who are in need of energy boost, especially the young people, this would also work in the process of international market selection. Putting into consideration demographic characteristics such as age, lifestyle, income, occupation, sex, education and nationality would help Red Bull select the best international target markets segments whose buying behavior are known. This criterion is most relevant to have Red Bull enjoyed in the right context- where there is need for energy boost rather than just selling a beverage (Kotabe & Helsen, 2014). The launch of Red Bull Cola and Red Bull Shots was a wise idea by the company. Red Bull had specialized in only one brand, which was energy drinks and was available in two flavor varieties. This move was a major brand extension aimed at tapping new markets that were untapped. This move would see expansion of its operations and revenues. The launch of the new brand the Red Bull Cola and Red Bull shots in many markets at the same time saw Red Bull survive stiff completion on some markets like North America (Kotabe & Helsen, 2014). Target of one segment of the market would risk eviction by other

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Comparative study of Mergers and Acquisitions processes in France and Essay

Comparative study of Mergers and Acquisitions processes in France and in the United States - Essay Example Research results reveal that the M&A transactions are generally cheaper in France than in the US. According to Alkhafaji, by the above ruling it is meant that the financial assets that are used to execute the M&A transactions together with the duration that is required. The only situation that presents the US as being at par with France, as far as the number of person-days needed to execute M&A are concerned, is when there is seen to be a phase (9a) that portends the execution of the Dispute Without Formal Litigation. This is because the person-days are almost the same in France and US. As far as cost is concerned, M&A transactions in America are significantly of exorbitant cost than France. However, Phase 9(b) Dispute with Formal Litigation in France requires more asset input than in US. In this situation, the transaction cost in the US and in France remains equal. Similarly, economic pundits, such as Terrence, point out that there is a dearth of uniformity between the US and Franc e M&A as far as the results for step-time and satisfaction are concerned. The satisfaction for steps that begins with the exchanging of preliminary information during the drafting of ancillary documents is said to be also considerably the same between US and France. Sweet and Larsson observes that the France’s step (9b) Dispute with formal litigation also remains comparably the same to that of the US. However, it is pointed out that in the US, satisfaction remains higher as far as the Dispute without Formal Litigation is concerned.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Philosophy of social work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Philosophy of social work - Essay Example I have not only answered these questions, I feel that I have elaborated on them and asked further questions to the principal answers, in order to explore them on deeper levels. I feel that the resulting answer reflects not a simple, pre-determined response to the question; it rather reflects a step by step response to the question – a response I did not know I would provide until I had assessed and recorded it. In relation to philosophical concepts, a single, predetermined answer is not possible, or rather lacking as a response. Rather, my staged self-exploration provides a deeper understanding of my philosophical approach to social work. Before I attempt to define my own personal philosophy of social work, I feel that a more ample beginning is required; a much more basic start from which I can build the foundations of my personal philosophy. I feel that I must define the term ‘social work’; what it means to me, how I interpret it and adopt it in my work. For to do this is to have constructed a basis when properly answering the question ‘what is my philosophy of social work?’ To explore the personal definition of the very concept I seek to explain my philosophical outlook upon, I explore the methods and basic contexts within which I try to define the term. I bring everything together neatly, which was once jumbled and unexplored until now. So, the beginning: what is social work to me? How do I define it and with what frame of mind? To help others, to bring those in need to an equal level with others, to achieve and maintain justice, to keep a constant compassionate and optimistic outlook, to ensure liberty, to restore and assign rights. This is social me. And when further trying to define these terms and meanings, I find that I am further developing and utilising my philosophical outlook, and discovering how I approach these definitive tasks. It appears to be more than a simple answering of the question; it is more

Monday, October 14, 2019

Book Report & Stephen R. Essay Example for Free

Book Report Stephen R. Essay Stephen R. Covey is a well-known writer of many self-help books. He is one of the leading writers in this genre of writing. His book, ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,’ was published over twenty years ago. Its fifteenth anniversary edition was released in the year 2004 to mark its amazing success. Apart from being a writer, Stephen R. Covey is also a humanist, an academician and a renowned speaker. His clarity of thought and his ability to convey the same to his readers is seen in this book too. This ability if his has also made him a highly influential guru in the field of business management. He has a flair for writing in a style that helps the readers not only understand the intensity and gravity of his ideologies and thought processes, but also helps them apply the same principles and logic to their own lives, sooner or later. This goal of truly helping people attain what they want and need is perfectly achieved in Stephen R. Covey’s books. Stephen R. Covey’s book, ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ begins with a quote by David Starr Jordan’ There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living. ’ One of the main reasons the world has loved this book all these years is that Stephen R. Covey has written about the key elements like integrity, honesty and self-management in a very simple, clear and precise manner. A few key points that will remain memorable forever include the fifth habit of highly effective people where he writes the need for people to first develop the ability to understand others before wanting to be understood. According to Covey (1989), â€Å"You dont have much confidence in someone who doesnt diagnose before he or she prescribes. But how often do we diagnose before we prescribe in communication? † (p. 120). Stephen R. Covey touches a different chord with the readers because in this book he also gives a lot of examples from his own life, be it the problems with his son that he was concerned about and the methodology he sought to adopt to help his son out as a devoted father or the fact that his marriage has reached a dead end. Not because his wife and he had fights or difference of opinion. But, due to the reason that they couldn’t love each other anymore and they felt they would never be able t rekindle that same kind of love and affection they felt for each other earlier. When an author of his stature chooses to tell the readers stories of his life to use it effectively as point of reference to better their own, it translates itself into a genuine self-help book. Before introducing the readers to the seven habits, he prepares them mentally by helping them understand that the bottom line is we need to understand our own paradigms and how to make a A Paradigm Shift TM. According to Covey (1998),† A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. † (p. 18). Stephen R. Covey has seamlessly integrated all the seven habits as highly essential and necessary elements. Not a single word seems repetitive or out of place as Stephen C. Covey has given this book a very practical and pragmatic outlook. The book is a beautiful amalgamation of the basic instincts and reaction patterns humans have to every situation in their life and what needs to be done in order to receive the most suitable results either at home or at the workplace. A few principles that I have been able to introduce successfully into my life are Stephen R. Covey’s very first habit of being proactive, the third habit that clearly lists how to prioritize objectives in a given time frame and the sixth habit that refers to synergy. My ability to be more proactive has helped me at my work place and has also allowed better and more optimal utilization of my hours at work. I’ve understood the best way to prioritize my meeting at works and my tasks at home, so I never feel stressed out and at the same time I get a lot more time with my family, friends, my loved ones and myself. Stephen R. Covey’s concept of synergy aids the process of developing and establishing better human rapport and interaction. When you think about a particular situation from another person’s or party’s point of view, you in turn, gain a lot insight to turn it into a win-win situation. Stephen R. Covey’s fourth habit is tough as he asks us to think like a winner to ultimately be a winner. He clearly explains the six paradigms of human interaction and stresses on the importance of integrity, honesty, maturity and special term coined by him called ‘Abundance Mentality. ’ According to Stephen R. Covey (1989)† It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity. † (p. 110). References Covey, R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, NY: Simon Schuster